They are Javier Calleja and Javier Vela, respectively
To the left Javier Vela, candidate for Trijueque, and to the right Javier Calleja de Molina
The PP of Guadalajara has announced the names of the two mayoral candidates that it will present in the municipal elections of 28 M in Molina and Trijueque.
Javier Calleja Ibares will be who will lead the list of the Popular Party in Molina de Aragón. Calleja, 48, has a degree in Philosophy and Theology Studies from the University of Northern Spain and a practicing Secondary School teacher since 2001. Since 2009 he has been part of different management teams both at CEIP Virgen de la Hoz, as later, of the IES Doña Blanca de Molina, where he currently works as a Philosophy professor and is Head of the School Residence.
The candidate of the Popular Party raises as one of his main objectives that Molina de Aragón “be a demographic attractor”. Calleja wants to put all his efforts “so that Molina de Aragón is something more than the Paseo de los Adarves”. The project you are designing “It is ambitious and coordination between the local, county, provincial and regional levels.”
Javier Vela will perform in Trijueque. In his professional career, Vela has held the functions of quality technician and manager of concrete plants.
The candidate of the Popular Party affirms that Trijueque “it is a hidden gemstone”. Vela describes his municipality “like a pearl that has not yet come out of the oyster that encloses it”. For this reason, he insists that his fundamental purpose in the face of the challenge of assuming the presidency of the municipal government is “to bring that pearl to light”.
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