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“Meet Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya: Talented Journalist and Daughter of Famous Poet Robert Rozhdestvensky”

The public never skimps on compliments addressed to her.

For the first time, Robert Rozhdestvensky and his wife Alla Kireeva became parents in 1957. Then their daughter Catherine was born, who decided not to change the family tradition when choosing a profession.

So, the heiress of the famous poet and critic took up journalism. Ekaterina worked for many Russian publications for many years and became the author of several books. In addition, she is engaged in reportage and studio photography, and her covers adorn the Russian gloss.

Rozhdestvenskaya is not shy about blogging about her life. More than 205 thousand people have already subscribed to the celebrity page, and her fans never skimp on compliments. In their opinion, the celebrity is distinguished not only by talent, but also by a spectacular appearance, captivating the public at first sight.

“How beautiful you are”, “You look very good”, – say netizens.

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