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Meet Camille Jourdain: A Rising Star in the World of Strategy at LG2

Camille Jourdain (she/her), strategist, LG2

  • Your hobbies favorites: Running.
  • A project that you are particularly proud of: My first branding strategy that made my client cry (with joy).
  • Introvert or extravert? Very introverted, which is quite rare in agencies, I think.
  • Are you a cat person or a dog person? Dog person all the way.


Hello! I’m Camille! I am a strategist at LG2 for almost two years. I’m asked to share what brought me here, so here it is.

Being a very curious and rational person, who likes to understand human behavior, it is not surprising that my educational path led me towards strategy. My only decision a little off-brandbut which is without a doubt the best of my life so far: doing my CEGEP in human sciences, “fun” profile (without math and with a session in Argentina).

After this break (hihi) of two years, I decided to enroll in the baccalaureate in fashion marketing atUQAM. The courses that I enjoy the most are those in marketing, so I choose to pursue a master’s degree in marketing. At the master’s degree, the course that I liked the most was strategy, so I decided to write a thesis on marketing strategies in the creative industries. School is all well and good, but after a year of writing alone at home during a pandemic, I tell myself that it would be a good time to start my adult life and find a job. In strategy, that’s for sure, but in what environment?

At that time, I had almost no idea what an agency was, but I still decided to explore the possibility by applying for jobs in both companies and agencies. It is through my job interviews that I understand that for a person like me who likes it when things go well and who always wants change (my mother would say that I tire of everything quite quickly), agencies are the place to be. They explained to me that I would work on several accounts and that I would not have time to get bored. Perfect, where do I sign? I accept a job as an analyst at Publicis and it’s love at first sight.

But after a year and a promotion to strategist, I want to learn more with a bigger team. It was at this time that I came into contact with LG2. Today, I’ve been here for almost two years and, every day, I’m grateful to be able to evolve and have a positive impact on such motivating accounts, like Eco Business Quebec, Lassonde et Montreal Tourismand this, both on communications projects and brand. But above all, to be able to do it while being surrounded by humans who are as intelligent as they are creative and for a company that has the well-being and development of its talents at heart. The dream, what!


The News attic would like to feature the rockstars of the industry. Whether in an agency, on the client side, in production or elsewhere, we want to put them forward! These young or old new arrivals in the world of communications work. Whether you are in the consulting service, in creation, in production or elsewhere, in short, whether you are the self-proclaimed rockstar of your company or not, we want to see you in our pages! The only condition for submitting your profile or submitting the profile of a golden colleague? Have a maximum of 3 years of work experience. Introduce us to your rising stars [email protected].

2023-11-14 00:10:36
#Rising #star #Camille #Jourdain #LG2 #News #attic

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