Home » today » Health » Medicines for heartburn are linked to covid-19, what do doctors think about it? | Shows Wake Up America

Medicines for heartburn are linked to covid-19, what do doctors think about it? | Shows Wake Up America

Juan: welcome back

with the doctors answering

your questions.

marlo, I want to make you one

question about the study that

recently published on

the use of acid inhibitors

astric and increased risk

of coronavirus, has been in

all means of

communication …

do you have an opinion on the

study and what’s your


merlow: we knew that

troubled patients

astric with discharge ulcers

for the stomach, they had better

prognosis in terms of covid

19 compared to what they were

taking omeprazole …

all that kind of medicine.

we know that when we see the

stomach acid is

important to several

activities that include

be able to neutralize some viruses.

that’s why i am

recommending and citing our

means to change all

high-risk wing patients

that do not have coordination with

specialists and medicines,

it was much less risky

in terms of covid … already

we have several data

basically consistent for

understand what we have to do

something in terms of

patients who are taking the

type of medications.

Juan: I am one of those

people who take that kind of

medicines. I started to read the

I study very carefully and what

found is a

correlacón there is a correlacón

which is not causal.

I’m going to keep touching myself because

we have reflux condition and

obviously it is important that

each case is discussed with its


we connect to new york,

with clara diaz, who has a

ask for the

doctors … good morning, of course,

What is your question? (via

skype from new york / clara


covid 19.

I have 30 seconds before


when a person gives you the

virus it most likely won’t

give back in the future

righ now. we have to search

the complications that are going to

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