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Medicine within everyone’s reach. Giordani summons the scientists for a permanent working table

Antonella Viola, Rosario Rizzuto, Mario Plebani, Giovannella Baggio, Telmo Pievani and Maurizio Corbetta all around the same table to form the working group wanted by the mayor Giordani. Objective: to make science and medicine closer, accessible and “understandable” to all. «After the Unesco recognition – explains the mayor – we asked ourselves about the fact that, in addition to art, Padua has another extraordinary asset which is biomedical research and health; communicating these excellences, in the city as well as nationally and internationally, becomes fundamental to propose an idea of ​​a city of well-being and health “.


«Our city – added Giordani – is, in fact, a protagonist on the national and international scene for the quality and professionalism of its scientists and doctors. In the darkest hours of Covid we were a light in terms of research, innovation, insights and care. In the two years of the pandemic, more and more citizens have tried to approach science and medicine trying to better understand what was happening. For those who, like me, do not have specific training, however, it may not be easy to understand science and the risk of falling victim to fake news or carelessness for “hearsay” is just around the corner. Precisely for this reason I asked these Paduan excellences to set up a working group, on a free and voluntary basis, which can help everyone to know and better understand the innovations of medicine, thus constituting the initial nucleus of a work that can then be extended to the many and many scientists who wish to make their contribution to the city. The concept underlying this commitment is that of the so-called “4P Medicine”. Where the 4 Ps stand for “Personalized”, “Predictive”, “Preventive” and, precisely, “Participatory”. And it is precisely on the concept of dissemination, understanding and, therefore, participation that the group’s work will focus. An action oriented in a purely informative sense within an absolutely institutional path that has nothing to do with the election campaign period, also because it is obvious that the work, carried out in total autonomy, of such authoritative personalities will last well beyond the end of the mandate and will be an important resource for Padua, whatever mayor will lead it in the next 5 years “.


“Padua – the Mayor recalled – thanks to its University, the Hospital, the City of Hope, the Iov, the Vimm, the recovery of the hospital in the center and the construction of the new Padua East pole, constitutes and will constitute more and more in the future, an excellence on the national and international scene. Taking the further step towards an increasingly “participatory” and understandable science and medicine means taking a further step forward through the creation of “protocols”, approaches, opportunities for comparison and deepening that can soon become everyone’s heritage “.


“My most sincere thanks – concluded the Mayor – goes to Antonella Viola, Rosario Rizzuto, Mario Plebani, Giovannella Baggio, Telmo Pievani, and Maurizio Corbetta not only because they made themselves available to face this fundamental cultural leap with us, but above all for the work they do every day for all of us, especially in this difficult period ».


“It is an opportunity to carry on the process of democratization of science – he clarifies – All the more so for those who do science in the biomedical field, a research that has a direct impact on people’s lives” said Antonella Viola to the Padua morning

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