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Medicine test, two thousand less enrolled than last year

ROMA – Subscribers to the next test Medicine – which will be held across the country Monday, September 3 – are 66,638, over two thousand less than last year and 367 less than in 2018. In a normal season, the decrease would have been a surprising figure. By the way, in the first nine days of registration – started on July 1st – there had been a boom in candidates, practically double in this initial phase. The phenomenon had suggested a “Covid effect” on the country’s accrued. During the month, with the continuation of the registration on the Universitaly portal, the economic crisis that the pandemic is carrying has made its weight felt and, thus, the final balance of today, with the closing of the registrations at 4 pm, is slightly lower than in the last two seasons (-3 percent).

Enrolled in the perimeter of the crisis, the data remains however comforting and is thus read by the Minister of University and Research Gaetano Manfredi: “We consider the number of those enrolled in Medicine satisfactory, it must be taken into account that the moment is difficult for many Italian families”.

There are 13,072 places available. One candidate for every five candidates will enter the thirty-seven Italian universities that include the Department of Medicine and Surgery. Last year there were 11,568 places.

It must be said that the number of students enrolled in the test is growing strongly Medicine in English, covered in twelve universities: 11,417 enrolled, almost a thousand more than last year (10,450) even if the real number of payers, and therefore of those entitled to the test, is 9,334 (+420). There is a week to settle.

The number of candidates for Veterinary. It’s 10,002, plus 28.5 percent over the year before, when it was 7,780.

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