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Medicine in Trento: inauguration of the headquarters in Palazzo Consolati

The new inter-university single-cycle degree course in medicine and surgery activated by the University of Trento with the University of Verona has, as expected, a new prestigious location, Palazzo Consolati in Via Santa Maria Maddalena in Trento.

There are 60 students enrolled, of which 31 are women. Of the total, 41 are residents in Trentino Alto Adige (36 in Trentino and 5 in Alto Adige). A substantial group (16) comes from Veneto. There are also three single origins from Lombardy, Sicily and Sardinia. As many as 47 students enrolled in the selective test had indicated Trento as the first choice. There were 60 places available.

There were 675 registrations to take the national entrance test for admission in September in Trento. Of the 675 applications, 450 had indicated the University of Trento as the first choice location for studying Medicine and Surgery (360 of them had taken the test at Trento Fiere, the others in other cities).

To cut the ribbon the rector of the University of Trento, Paolo Collini, with the rector of the University of Verona Pier Francesco Nocini together with the president of the Autonomous Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti.

For Paolo Collini, «This ribbon cutting marks the passage from the project to the construction of a unique reality in the Italian panorama. The inter-university course of study in Medicine and Surgery, in fact, innovative and multidisciplinary, responds to the growing demand to train professionals with a solid basic medical background and at the same time well trained in the use of health technologies ».

“Thus comes to completion a process that began at the end of last year, carried out with great enthusiasm by the Governance of Trento and Verona – says the magnificent rector of the University of Verona, Pier Francesco Nocini – which sees the strengthening of the historic collaboration, more than twenty years, between the two universities. The institution, shortly, of the School and Department of Medicine in Trento will allow the full integration of the assistance, training and research activities carried out by the two universities in collaboration with the national and provincial health service.

The University of Trento writes in a note: «The new inter-university single-cycle degree course in Medicine and Surgery has found a home. A prestigious location: in a building rich in history, in the heart of the city. The inauguration ceremony took place at the end of the restoration works, which made the structure functional to the didactic needs.
For a few days already, students and teaching and technical and administrative staff have left the Collegio Bernardo Clesio in Via Santa Margherita, seat in the first weeks of lessons, to move to Palazzo Consolati in Via Santa Maria Maddalena.

There are 60 students enrolled, of which 31 are women. Of the total, 41 are residents in Trentino Alto Adige (36 in Trentino and 5 in Alto Adige). A substantial group (16) comes from Veneto. There are also three single origins from Lombardy, Sicily and Sardinia. As many as 47 students enrolled in the selective test had indicated Trento as the first choice. There were 60 places available.
There were 675 registrations to take the national entrance test for admission in September in Trento. Of the 675 applications, 450 had indicated the University of Trento as the first choice location for studying Medicine and Surgery (360 of them had taken the test at Trento Fiere, the others in other cities).
Those who have overcome it, today are grappling with general biology, chemistry and biochemical preparations, medical physics and computer science for medicine and in some video interviews tells the reasons and how much the Covid-19 emergency has influenced the choice, while the teachers express already positive impressions on the commitment shown in the study.

The inauguration was organized in video link on Zoom with the participation in the presence limited to a few people. The rector of the University of Trento Paolo Collini and the rector of the University of Verona Pier Francesco Nocini together with the president of the Autonomous Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti cut the ribbon.

For Paolo Collini «This ribbon cutting marks the passage from the project to the construction of a unique reality in the Italian panorama. The inter-university course of study in Medicine and Surgery, in fact, innovative and multidisciplinary, responds to the growing demand to train professionals with a solid basic medical background and at the same time well trained in the use of health technologies. The Covid-19 health emergency has also shown how important this is. Our project also has the ambition of making the topic of health a driving force for the University’s much research of quality, not only in the strong areas of life sciences of the Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrated Biology – Cibio, the Interdepartmental Center of Mind / Brain – CIMeC and the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, but also in the development of broader spectrum sciences and technologies, in the humanities, research in bioethics and law, in sociology, in management and to report all this to students and to the students ».

“Thus comes to completion a process that began at the end of last year, carried out with great enthusiasm by the Governance of Trento and Verona – says the magnificent rector of the University of Verona, Pier Francesco Nocini – which sees the strengthening of the historic collaboration, more than twenty years, between the two universities. The institution, shortly, of the School and Department of Medicine in Trento will allow for the full integration of the assistance, training and research activities carried out by the two universities in collaboration with the national and provincial health service. As the University of Verona, we express our full satisfaction for having contributed in a decisive way to the birth of this new reality, convinced that its growth will lead to important results in the field of research and health care, while responding to the requests and expectations of young people. Trentino. In building the new School of Medicine we will certainly be careful to respect and enhance the skills and professionalism already present in the Trentino area, aware that university eligibility is a “passport for academic travel” and not a “point of arrival” ».
Nocini then concluded: «Today, as this new path of hope and expectations opens up for the future of our young people, I dedicate a thought to all those who have unfortunately died in this period of pandemic; in particular to all health professionals; we hope that their testimony and their sacrifice will be a guide and example in the training path of our medical students and of all professions in the health sector ».

Words of appreciation also from Maurizio Fugatti, president of the Autonomous Province of Trento: “The start of the degree course in Medicine and Surgery remains one of the moments of this legislature that I remember with greater pride and satisfaction, sentiments shared with the Council and with everyone those who made it possible. We were able in a very short time, working together with the University, to translate into reality what seemed, until recently, only a dream. However, the challenge is only just beginning. In this sense, this prestigious location represents an excellent starting point: we hope that part of the medical class of the Trentino of tomorrow will be trained in its classrooms. We must cultivate and enhance this important heritage, made up first of all of people, even before the walls, however splendid they may be. A heritage of motivated and capable young people, to whom we will entrust our health, the most precious asset. Inaugurating this headquarters at such a difficult time, due to the pandemic, therefore ultimately represents a sign of hope, addressed to the whole community, and a testimony of the value represented by Autonomy “.

In addition to the speeches, the ceremony was completed by the Vice Rector for Teaching of the University of Trentino Paola Iamiceli and the Councilor for Youth Policies and Education of the Municipality of Trento Elisabetta Bozzarelli. Also in the room the president of the University of Trento Daniele Finocchiaro, the director general of the University of Verona Federico Gallo and that of the University of Trento Alex Pellacani and Alessandro Lunelli representing the ownership of the building.
Other protagonists who have, in various ways, contributed to the project are connected via Zoom. Among them: the provincial councilor for university and research Mirko Bisesti, the director of the provincial health services agency Pier Paolo Benetollo and the president of the Medical Association Marco Ioppi. With them the president of the UniTrento Student Council Edoardo Meneghini, the coordinator of the degree course Massimo Pizzato, Antonella Graiff responsible for the FBK program for health and the provincial manager Cristina Ioriatti ».

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