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Medicine department reopened But at Morelli still nine dead

Medicine department reopened

But at Morelli there are still nine dead

Sondalo, a slight improvement in pressure on all hospitals. 11 serious patients remain in intensive care

At the beginning of the week of the Christmas holidays, the balance of the covid-19 patients admitted to the hospitals in the province of Sondrio is in chiaroscuro.

The slight but constant decrease in the number of beds occupied, 129 yesterday, eight less than last Thursday, is offset by still worrying numbers in terms of new hospitalizations and deaths.

In addition, 11 serious patients treated in intensive care.

In the last four days there have been another 28 hospitalizations and nine deaths, seven men and two women, of which two were born in the 1920s, four in the 1930s, one in the 1940s and two in the 1950s.

There are no Covid-19 positive patients in the Chiavenna hospital, not even in the intensive short observation ward that temporarily hosts those who need to be transferred to Morelli. The Obi of Sondrio and Sondalo currently house a total of seven patients.

The positive news concerns the Morelli hospital where the Medicine ward was reopened yesterday afternoon.

The four patients who had been temporarily transferred to the fifth pavilion returned to the second.

The reduction of pressure on the garrison, with the closure of a Covid-19 ward in the fourth pavilion, has allowed doctors and nurses to be assigned to medicine.

“As soon as the pressure on the health system is reduced – explains the general manager Tommaso Saporito – we are ready to restore the services: we hope that the situation will continue to improve in the coming days to proceed with the reopening of the other departments”.

On the front of the data relating to the infections provided by the Ats della Montagna in the late afternoon yesterday, there are 136 new positive swabs in the last three days, from Saturday to yesterday inclusive. Of these, two concern guests of retirement homes in Valtellina and Valchiavenna.

In terms of deaths, the Ats has reported “only” two since Friday, but the figures do not coincide, as has often happened since the beginning of the pandemic, with those of the Lombardy Region, which recorded 6 deaths in three days.

The total number of positive people who lost their lives is 373 according to Ats, 391 according to Pirellone.


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