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Medical Tests Urgently Required for Romanians Born Before 1990

All Romanians who were born before 1990 must undergo some medical tests. A doctor made an official announcement in this regard and explained why it is urgent that they immediately go to harvest, in the context where most people do not know the risks to which they are exposed.

What all Romanians born before 1990 must do

Professor Dr. Adrian Streinu Cercel warned that all Romanians who were born before 1990 should be tested for: hepatitis B, hepatitis C, but also HIV.

The explanation is that before 1990 there were no disposable syringes, so those who gave injections or transfusions could have been infected with one of these viruses.

“Regarding the level of knowledge and attitudes of Romanians towards the three viruses, there is still a very high number of people who do not correctly identify the ways of transmission of these diseases, do not have a correct perception of their own risk of illness and tend to adopt inappropriate attitudes towards people infected with hepatitis B/C or HIV.

Also, the fact that over 80% of Romanians have never been tested for HIV shows that the people are not aware of the importance of prevention in the case of asymptomatic diseases.” added the professor, a few years ago, the recommendation still holds true today.

Symptoms that may appear after infection

The doctor explained that when the body comes into contact with the HIV virus for the first time, a pseudo-flu syndrome occurs that lasts for about two weeks. In addition, lymph nodes appear on either side of the neck.

“Regarding hepatitis B and C viruses, about 20-30% of patients present with jaundice, that yellowing of the eyes. The rest, however, are subclinical forms of the disease, which go unnoticed. Only decades later, the patient may discover that he has an evolutionary form of the disease, which is AIDS or chronic hepatitis,” he added.

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2023-08-18 06:44:00
#Romanians #born #Official #announcement #urgent

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