“Unvaccinated medical students from Chieti cannot take exams and help the health system”. And what was reported by the regional councilor of the 5 Star Movement, Domenico Pettinati who asked some questions that asked a series of questions to the regional councilor for health, Nicoletta Verì about vaccines, health personnel, hospitals and waiting lists.
As regards Chieti, Pettinati pointed out that there are “numerous reports of students enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine, of the University of Chieti, who complain that despite the repeated requests sent by them to the Abruzzo Region, to date, they are not yet included among the categories with priority for anti-Covid-19 vaccination “.
The pentastellato councilor also reminds us that due to the pandemic “medical students for about a year have not been able to carry out internships in hospital. The frequency of internships in hospital wards are essential to complete the study path and for the subsequent graduation in medicine. It should be noted that students enrolled in the last years of the medical faculty and health professions are to be considered to all intents and purposes ‘health workers’, for the purposes of the legislation on vaccine prophylaxis, and therefore to be of the rest of the population “.