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Medical interns arrive with Covid – LA PRENSA DE MONCLOVA

Last Saturday, nine medical students arrived in Monclova to do their internship year in the hospitals of the Ministry of Health, and three of them were positive to the Covid test that was performed on them by protocol.

The foregoing was confirmed by the director of the Amparo Pape fixed and mobile hospitals, Ángel Cruz García Rodríguez, who mentioned that at this stage of the health contingency, no hospital is exempt from having infected personnel, since the virus is already everywhere .

The inmates were detected when, by protocol, they were subjected to the Covid test, which was positive, so they were immediately instructed in isolation, medical protection and kept under close surveillance by the teaching department.

All this for the protection of his colleagues and the patients with whom they may have had contact.

He also mentioned that the staff who tested positive at the Amparo Pape hospital, will return next Tuesday without the need for a second test since they passed their process completely asymptomatic.

“There are five doctors, two from the emergency department, a radiologist, a traumatologist, and another who escapes me, but we are blessed, none of my staff has been required to hospitalize him, not even using oxygen or nasal tips, with rest and adequate food. they have come forward very quickly ”.

He added that on Tuesday they are reintegrated without the need for a second sample since due to the fact that they have passed the asymptomatic process, they can return without problem, however they will be kept under occupational surveillance so that they do not develop symptoms.

He added that by protocol the medical, administrative and manual personnel are periodically tested to try to keep the virus out of the way, for their part they have undergone five tests and all have been negative.

However, the director reiterated that due to the stage of the health contingency, there is not a single hospital that is free of Covid.

“Since June 17, the Amparo Pape hospitals, the landline and the mobile, are no longer Covid, but in the end they are hospitals and suspicious patients can arrive and when they are detected, a code is activated to isolate the patient and protect the staff with the special team ”.

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