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Medical Consultations in Paris: Traveling for Tests and Specialist Care

“On the 29th, we are going to Paris, with my two sons and my mother, for consultations and tests. “ trust Andréa after calling for testimonials on our page Facebook The New Republic Indre-et-Loire. Around sixty Tourangeaux people did the same, indicating that there was a medical nomenclature including from Indre-et-Loire, which is known as the least affected region in the Center-Val de Loire region with medical desertion.

Among the professionals required from these patients: dentists, allergists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, etc. Medical images are also regularly mentioned. On the program for the Parisian way of this family from Tours: X-rays, MRI, consultations in visceral surgery, pulmonology, dermatology and even gastroenterology.

Not everything will be done in the same medical center, but Andréa, who makes appointments on the Doctolib platform, was able to organize the day without a problem. “In Île-de-France, there is an opportunity sometimes on the same day, compared to three or six months of waiting in Touraine, when they bring new patients… Even without connections to Paris, it’s still practical,” she is sure.

“10% of our patients live in the Central region”mentions a geologist from Antony (Hauts-de-Seine), while the journalist mentions Tours among Orléans (LOIRET), Niort (Deux-Sevres) or Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) when which he calls home patients from day.

“Round trip €50 just for the tax”

So Andréa left her car with relatives waiting for an inspection. “With regards to road costs, it gives way a bit. You have to count €50 for the round trip tax in addition to gasoline,” she admits.

Hélène, who lives in the Loches after living in Paris, says she had accommodation with a cousin to go to the dentist: “I kept mine in Paris because I couldn’t find anything in Touraine. But because I had serious dental problems, I had to go back many times. »

A “sacred trouble” several months. “I had to negotiate with my boss to change my leave and take days without pay”. she puts. And to illustrate his words with a collection of train tickets: €50 one way here, €60 return there, with dates covering a whole spring…

“As for Doctolib, we don’t always come across the best”

A nurse in South Touraine, Émeline admits it is “easier than others” to get appointments. However, when it was suspected that she had a serious illness, she was against it “in Chinon, Tours or Loches” several months delay despite the reference “urgent” on his order. “Even my doctor tried to help me,” she admits.

Two weeks later, she finally took tests in Paris, which gave her confidence about her position. However, she urges caution: “Random on Doctolib, you don’t always come across the best. This happened to me with a dental office. Another time, I needed a dermatologist: I found a cosmetic surgeon there who sold a lab cream. » Her moles keep growing and there’s still no dermatologist in sight…

The nurse is worried: many of her patients have already given up. “They are no longer being treated because they have no means of travel. In Indre-et-Loire, to make an appointment with a specialist, you have to wait a long time on the phone, with switches open only a few hours a week. In addition, you must confirm by sending an email. It’s too complicated for many”, explains Emeline.

In Paris, she says she suffered from overspending in taxes: “€300 for two MRIs, not everyone can afford it. » She will return, but only for tests. “To continue, it’s too complicated,” the nurse concludes.

2024-04-21 23:12:44
#IndreetLoire #longer #hesitate #Paris #seek #treatment

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