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Medical change to Lamon

On February 14, Dr. Elena-Iulia Bratu with an outpatient clinic at the hospital will begin her activity as a permanent primary care physician in Lamon. The day before, February 13, Dr. Germain Fouego, a doctor with a temporary appointment, will terminate his activity. To continue to benefit from medical assistance directly and free of charge from the National Health Service, Dr. Fouego’s clients will have to choose one of the primary care doctors with availability of places in the area of ​​residence.

Currently – the Ulss informs – Dr. Vincenzo Caprio (clinic in Lamon), doctor Raffaele Stellato (clinics in Fonzaso and Lamon), doctor Mario Tollardo (clinic in Fonzaso), doctor Annamaria Arboit (clinic in Arsiè) are available. , doctor Eleonora Tucci (clinic in Arsiè) and doctor Elena-Iulia Bratu (clinic in Lamon).

It is possible to check the availability of doctors in real time by connecting to the following link https://salute.regione.veneto.it/servizi/cerca-medici-e-pediatri; selecting a doctor will display the number of available places indicated under the heading “Unlimited assisted availability”.

The choice of doctor can be made by sending a “non pec” e-mail to the address “[email protected]” with the following subject “Cessazione dr. FOUEGO ”indicating name, surname, place, date of birth, residential address, tax code of the patient and the name of the primary care doctor chosen (it is suggested to indicate more than one name and up to a maximum of three). A copy of the identity document and the paper health card of the assisted person issued by the Ulss must be attached to the email. At the end of the operation, an email confirming the assignment of the doctor will be sent with a copy of the paper health card attached.

Alternatively, the choice can be made by depositing the “Doctor change request form (A)” shown on the back of the letter sent to users, duly completed and signed with a copy of the identity document attached, in a sealed envelope, in the box marked “CHOICE MEDICO ”located outside the rear entrance of the Lamon town hall in Piazza III Novembre n. 16. Health cards will be sent to your home by ordinary mail.

The District of Feltre is available for information on 0439 883680 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8.30 to 11.00.

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