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Medical association called for help – Anschober picked up the phone

Global competition for masks

Because with time it becomes more and more difficult: “We need millions of masks” – as soon as the illness in Austria should break out more. And when it comes to procurement, you compete “with the whole world”.

For the delivery of protective gear out Chinathat as air cargo the AUA in Vienna-Schwechat Should arrive early next week, said Szekeres, these several tons of material are primarily for Tyrol intended. “The rest of Austria should also be cared for, “he emphasized.

Doctors as multipliers

And the President of the Medical Association pointed out that it is about the entire health staff, not just the medical profession. And it is also “not only about the fact that we want to protect ourselves against infection”, but above all about the patients. You have to protect them: If (unknowingly) infected medical personnel infect patients, then you multiply the disease.

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