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Medical Assistants Strike Nationwide: Demands, Training, and Gender Disparity

Questions & Answers as of: February 8, 2024. Authors: Sebastian Krüger

Image: dpa | Christoph Soeder

Medical assistants nationwide are called on a warning strike. You can read here what tasks they have in practices and why there are so few men in the profession.

In many doctor’s practices in Bremen and nationwide it could take longer today: The Association of Medical Professionals has called on all employees to go on an all-day warning strike.

What do medical assistants do?

Medical assistants mainly work in doctors’ offices and take on a variety of different tasks there: They take care of organizational tasks such as scheduling appointments, documentation in patient files and billing. They also work directly in medical care by preparing syringes, applying bandages, taking blood, sterilizing instruments and carrying out laboratory work.

How is the training going?

The training lasts three years and takes place in vocational schools as well as practices or clinics. Theoretical learning blocks alternate with practical exercises. Until July 2006, the profession was officially called medical assistant. But it’s not just the name that’s been new since then: as an association spokeswoman explains, the training previously only lasted two years. The scope of tasks has also expanded. According to the association, there is also the possibility of further training through additional qualifications. There are also veterinary and dental specialists, each with their own training.

Are more women pursuing the profession?

According to the employment agency, only two percent of all medical assistants are men. The association spokeswoman attributes the fact that there are no more to the salary. One of her colleagues, who has also completed training as a paramedic, regularly drives ambulances to supplement his salary. According to the collective agreement, the starting gross salary for tariff group I was around 2,200 euros last year, and from the 29th year of employment it was just under 3,100 euros. Collective bargaining is currently underway for 2024.

What does the professional association demand?

The Association of Medical Professionals is calling for a starting salary of 17 euros per hour, higher surcharges for further training and additional responsibilities, and around five percent more training remuneration. In addition, the association is demanding an inflation compensation bonus of 2,000 euros for all medical assistants and 1,000 euros for trainees.

More on the subject:

Those: outside and inside.

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Bremen Eins, Rundschau in the morning, February 8th, 7 a.m

2024-02-08 15:13:46
#strike #doctors #offices #today

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