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Mediation, Mike pay for school fees – sign the child certificate The receiver is still worried, it may be difficult to meet the child

After completing the mediation Mike was interviewed to the press. Which Mike admitted that despite having already agreed But still worried that the future might be difficult to meet with children But I just hope that everything will become easier and better, and to tell the former lover that You don’t have to answer questions about yourself from now on.

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Mike Pirat

Cleared, are you relieved?
“It’s clear.”

Was the deal satisfying in the first place?
“Really today that I have prepared to present I will pay a hundred percent for my children’s education. It is the school that I choose. Have life insurance, health insurance, and will save money for your children in the future. In case of entering the university, you will also have an initial amount. Now, when proposing to go that way, it’s not okay. He did not want to move to the school of his children. So I proposed it as the same school. But pay half per person Which I want to pay directly to the school But that way requires payment through Sara’s father. Which I have no comfort at this point He has an excuse to pay directly. Because Sarah’s home has a place to study for two more people at the same school to get a discount.

So I called to ask the school. It appears that the school informed that regardless of the payment method. Does not have any effect on the discount value there In the end, they held each other back and forth. At first I thought that it would be done at noon. Was already drawing up a contract with lawyer Tom When the road is not okay, it is a long haul. In the end, it ended up at that I pay half a person with him until grade 6.

After that M. 1 until the university. It is my duty to talk to my children. Find out where he wants to study. I will pay in full over there. Now I can pay directly to the school. And in terms of health insurance, life insurance, saving money for children in the future Does not specify how much each salary is collected In the past, I collect 30,000 per month in the future, it will depend on the capacity. Perhaps another COVID situation arises. I also have to consider that I have this month. Just keep this “

The custody of the child gave him?
“Honestly, since I didn’t ask for the right to rule I just want to meet my child It’s just that easy to visit. Subject to certify the child When are you going to go? I still do not know I’ll make an appointment again again. “

The right to meet your child twice a month?
“At first I asked 3 times, but he didn’t want to specify. But I still insist that I want to specify that the minimum must be 2 times a month. The document is used about 2 times, I insist that it needs to be 2 times a month. Unscheduled (He conveniently found it in Phuket?) Recently, I flew to Phuket, I didn’t get stuck, it might be difficult for me, but it’s okay if I see a child.

Recently flew to Phuket, I met Maxwell. Bring to sleep As for the time to meet, do I have to inform? At first, the contract stated that I had to notify 7 days in advance, which I felt that the work I was doing was difficult to plan, so I could have it 3 days in advance. Because the child just did not study and did nothing. Finally came to the end of the notice 5 days in advance, if I did not inform before 5 days, he has the right to refuse. I have to make a good plan. “

Sara Casing Guinea
Sara Casing Guinea

The story has been stretching for years. How are we?
“(Sigh) It really is very easy. Let me clarify first. The last time, he gave an interview when he went on a trip to the media that he was not stuck on his way. But stick to my way I would like to clarify here that this is not a fact at all because it is all attached to the same expense as this time. Not any different. Another thing was that at the time he said his father paid the school fees. Support everything So I don’t agree with how we can pass on our obligations to others. As a parent, you have to decide the path of your child by yourself. Not for others to make decisions And must not allow others to take responsibility for it

One more thing, the main point that he was addicted to was that he said he would give me Max. But I said, let’s go think about it first. I would like to clarify in this point. Was that day when he said that he would give Max I immediately turned around and replied that I was ok. I was fine, but had to take Max to China. But now I have to ask to think about it first. As a father, I have to think, in the end, is it really good for Max? I have to think carefully and carefully, right?

Which number one, my job, it is a camping system I went to the drama unit where I was going to disappear for 3-4 months, and the drama division kept moving. But the school did not move according to the drama division. Now, if we’re on the drama set, who will be with Max? I have to think right here. Nanny? It’s not okay. There, if an emergency happens, who’s going to see it? Who is going to proceed? Because I was in the drama set

Second, Max doesn’t speak Chinese. Then he will communicate with anyone who knows about When he wants something What do you want to eat The pressure that your child has to face Did you think What is said to be conscious Talk to the family and become more conscious, I think it’s not enough. Need to think more Then one day, if your child comes to listen to you interview, what will your child think? That Mom gave it to my father, then Dad said I would think and see first. I can tell right now that I didn’t think directly about whether to accept or not. But think first of all the possibilities in practice, whether it is possible or not.

Now, what is the intent in that interview? Of course, it was clear that I was cursed. Which I have been cursed for 6 years, it doesn’t matter to me at all, I honestly will continue to be cursed, it’s not a big deal for me. But parents should be a shield for their children. Not letting the child become a shield for himself and then go to hide behind him And I tell you. Teacher about it. There is no doubt about my fatherhood. Dogs, cats, it has not left children at all. I won’t leave. And in the past, I have always taken care of my child. You don’t have to ask about fatherhood from me. I might not be as good as my teacher. But I try my best in what a person can do, it’s just that. “

Do we seem to be stressed enough about mediation in court?
“Well, it doesn’t end at all. And today it’s over Is the past I do not say Then the way then gave some news And constantly distorting information And finally, the tour came down to me. So why are you going to interview about me? Let me tell you, your social media likes when you ask a lot of questions. So if you have to invest to the point of blurring my name or whatever. And to answer questions that are still connected about me Choose not to answer better.

And when other people ask about it, I can help answer no questions about Mike. Just as you choose not to answer the question of Vadim, I just want to not answer questions about me from now on. I don’t want anything to do with or be involved. I just want this. And after this, act as parents, take care of the children, clearly divide their duties together It’s just that. “

Do you believe the story will go down well?
“I don’t know. This one is a matter of the future. But of course, I won’t talk to him. It’s not pride, it’s not an ego, it’s an experience that taught me to be careful with certain people. ”

That he said that if we are going to meet the child must notify him directly Not to pass the lawyer?
“Talking above, I made it clear that through the middleman The last time I met my child in Phuket went through a middleman. I then asked my manager to talk to the middleman. And it is not something that is very difficult. With just letting other people make an appointment that I want to meet my child, if it’s not something that goes beyond my shoulders, then do it. “

Mike is still concerned that old things will come back?
“Of course there must be concern. Because it is what it has been around like this for a long time And then it was like that Today I am very confused by the word “know black, know what red” is. Because it’s not a fierce battle or anything It’s a child case It should not have anything to do with the word “know” red “. And if I come back to the same, I’m not okay. That’s the reason why I have to stand in court today. To make it clear Dividing the duties to the end “

Today may be clear in terms of money. Responsibility But in matters of action Is Mike worried that in the future it will be difficult to meet with children?
Asked if I was worried I’m still worried But can’t do anything Just a moment ago, I wanted to put some words into the body of the agreement. Still stuck in a problem Which I wondered why Conclude it is a matter of the future. I just hope everything will be easier And it’s only better After this, it will focus on the child only. Ask what your child is worried about, really in everything, many things worry in many ways, about the children, the future of the child everything “

Like the right to custody the child is in Sara If Mike wants to tell or do something with the child, is there a right?
“Asking if I have the right On the legal side, I don’t know. But if I meet Max and have the opportunity to talk to him. Lastly, I taught him that if there is something or if someone has said something in his ear, come and ask Daddy. Recently he met me He said himself If someone tells you that Daddy doesn’t love Max Max will come and ask Daddy himself, he says like this, I’m comfortable now. Because if one day someone tells me Or come and say anything, but the child will listen to me, he will believe me, and I will be comfortable with this.

How do you prepare to tell your child about this happening? If in the future he was born to know this news?
“I said that when I say something, the media must think first (still). Of course, one day Max will see. But what we can do now is to build immunity for him. That’s it. Pama made him believe that Daddy really loved him. “

With the previous agreement that the lawyers of the other side have revealed that they will only pay 5,000 baht per month and ask to pay 2,500 baht each?
“Well … for one, it is information in court that I actually do not know how many years the teacher has been a lawyer. Which this information is confidential And it wasn’t expedient to go public about this 2,500 baht in the first place. I propose that the maintenance fee is 5,000 baht, and then divide 2,500 baht each. Finally, it is not a conclusion, 2,500 baht, it ends at 10,000 baht, that is, I 10,000 baht and Sara, who is a mother 10,000 baht There was a monthly support allowance of 20,000 baht and ended up at 10,000 baht in the agreement that day. Which the teacher did not come There may be inaccurate information communication. “

With regard to the tuition fee that was told to pay only 30,000 baht?
“As I said that one is not a deal. It was an offering in court how much and how. And then there was a bargain It’s not a conclusion Otherwise, will I be standing here again today? “

There is an allusion that Mike spends 15,000 baht per month?
“Yes, I spend 15,000 baht per month. Now, when I eat rice, I buy ready-made bento boxes and send them in a set of 50 baht for 3 meals. We really live like that right now ”.

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