Home » today » Business » MediaTek Cai Lixing: The semiconductor industry will enter a “diversified growth era” | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News

MediaTek Cai Lixing: The semiconductor industry will enter a “diversified growth era” | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News

MediaTek (2454-TW) Deputy Director and CEO Cai Lixing stressed today (11) that with the fermentation of new applications such as automotive electronics and data centers, the semiconductor industry will enter an “era of diversified growth”. will decrease and volatility will also increase.

Cai Lixing said that, recalling 2008-2009, the semiconductor industry was dominated by three main categories, including PCs, mobile devices and consumer products, each of which accounted for around 20%. 2026 automotive electronics, data centers, device storage, etc. The growth of new fields will see a more balanced and less concentrated market, with each category contributing around 10-12%, and the market will become relatively stable.

Cai Lixing also pointed out that the world is now in a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity, VUCA). portfolio and customer relations.

MediaTek continues to invest in innovative research and development, strengthens the three core areas of high performance, high energy efficiency and high connection speed, promotes the latest standards and features, and creates value for customers and consumers. It is estimated that approximately $ 4 billion will be invested in advanced research and development this year and a cumulative investment of $ 14 billion over the past five years.

Cai Lixing pointed out that MediaTek has taken a leadership position in the mobile device and consumer products market and is currently moving towards the goal of a diversified layout, in-depth cooperation with the global semiconductor supply chain and customers in various products and actively grasping the diversified growth momentum. 4-5 years from now MediaTek will be a better and bigger business.

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