A year after it The Voicescandal, many people wonder: can the program return to TV? Especially now that some key players are being prosecuted. Experts and those involved think that we will not see the RTL talent show again soon. But if it happens, it will most likely look different.
Those who turned on RTL 4 on Friday evening before 2022 usually came The Voice (or a spin-off) against. Until January 15 last year. Then the channel decided to immediately remove the successful talent show, which often attracted more than two million viewers.
The reason for this is now well known, as we recently learned that Ali B and Jeroen Rietbergen are being prosecuted.
Missing people The Voiceas shown recently research van One today. At the beginning of this year, the current affairs program polled whether people want it back on TV. And they want that: 67 percent think the time is right for this.
Sébas Diekstra, the victims’ lawyer, believes that the time has not come yet. “One thing is certain. The Voice cannot return until it is clear exactly how this could have gone so wrong and how this can be prevented in the future,” says Diekstra. Currently, research agency Van Doorne, commissioned by Voiceproducer ITV, who has been investigating the abuses behind the scenes for over a year now. The lawyer says he has no idea yet when – or if – the results will be shared.
Diekstra does not have much confidence in the research. “We fear a ‘management summary’. That they propose a number of improvement measures, and that it stays there. But the program cannot return until everyone is convinced that the culture there has changed. It is of social importance that it becomes clear how this is done. could go wrong for a long time.”
‘The Voice can show you how to adapt a work culture’
Reputation expert Marieke Quant agrees The Voice can only return when a culture change is underway. “It is especially important that the victims feel good about the return.” According to Quant, a comeback of the program is the opportunity to show that something has changed for the better.
“You can take it off the air for good, so that the program is eventually forgotten,” says Quant. “But ignoring what happened won’t help you move forward. They can show that not only are the people who were wrong gone, but the whole work culture has changed. The Voice can lead to this. They can lay the foundations for a change in how we want to interact with each other in this important social development.”
Television expert Tina Nijkamp thinks that the possible return will be approached with caution. “I think they’re starting a spin-off, The Voice Senior For example.” Changes will be made within the structure of the program, Nijkamp expects, especially within the coaching role.
Ali B, Waylon and Anouk, among others, held the role of coach in the (provisionally) last season of The Voice. They were chosen by the participants and accompanied them in the other rounds. The coaches also help determine who can go through. According to Nijkamp, that accompanying role will be smaller if the program returns. “They will have more of a judging role, so that the bond between the coaches and the candidates will become smaller.”
Dit vinden betrokkenen over mogelijke terugkeer The Voice
RTL-baas Sven Sauvé aan NU.nl: “We krijgen geregeld de vraag of The Voice terugkomt. Daar kan ik nu niets over zeggen. Er lopen nog onderzoeken. We wachten onder meer nog op de uitkomsten van het onderzoek van ITV.”
Presentator Martijn Krabbé eind vorig jaar Aran on Tour: “Een terugkeer op televisie wordt moeilijk.”
Programmadirecteur Peter van der Vorst vorige week in gesprek met De Telegraaf: “Ik hoop dat The Voice ooit terugkomt. Maar we moeten gewoon wachten op het onderzoek van ITV en kijken welke stappen het OM gaat zetten. Als we terugkomen met The Voice, en dat willen we, dan moet het ook rustig zijn om het programma.”
Coach Waylon begin dit jaar in het AD: “Ik hoop dat het kan terugkeren. Dat hoop ik vooral voor de medewerkers die wel met veel toewijding en liefde aan het programma hebben gewerkt. Zij verdienen dat. En voor de kandidaten van de laatste serie zou het heel fijn zijn als er voor hen nog een vervolg zou zijn.”
‘The jury will have to be completely new’
According to the television expert, such changes in the format do not affect the quality of the program. “The power of The Voice is the ‘blind’ audition with the revolving chairs,” says Nijkamp. “I think the focus will be on that. As is the case in many foreign editions.”
That the persecuted coach Ali B and band leader Jeroen Rietbergen (also in case of acquittal) return to The Voice is excluded according to Nijkamp. “The jury must be completely new. All adjustments to the program must ensure that the association with this scandal is minimal. So you must avoid anything related to it. In any case, the new coaches must be free of controversy. And the role of bandleader will become less great.”
According to lawyer Diekstra, the victims are not negative about a possible return of the show. “All my clients who apply as candidates The Voice have been connected, think it’s still a great concept at its core. They don’t think the program needs to be infected forever. But before it can find its way out of the darkness, a lot has to happen.”
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