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Media: the government suspends France 24

In this press release from the government, signed by the minister spokesperson, the authorities have decided to suspend the broadcasting of France 24 throughout the territory.

“It is with regret that the Government discovered two weeks ago, an interview with the “Head of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (#AQIM)” on the antennas of #France_24, of the France Media World group.

Without contesting the freedom of the channel’s editorial choices, the Government is however questioning the #ethics that govern the #professional practice of journalism on France 24.

The Government is saddened to see that the leader of a terrorist organization like AQIM and recognized as such by the entire international community, can benefit from the editorial largesse of France 24 to speak at length on the channel’s antennas. This organization is it necessary to recall it, follower of a jihadist terrorism is the author of heinous crimes which shock the human conscience and which made thousands of victims throughout the world.

In the Sahelo-Saharan strip and particularly in Burkina Faso, the blind violence and terrorist barbarity against the peaceful populations is mainly fueled by this organization which harbors disastrous designs for our country and our people that the Government has the responsibility to protect.

By opening its branches to the first head of AQIM, France 24 is not only acting as a communication agency for these terrorists, worse, it offers a space for #legitimation of terrorist actions and hate speech conveyed to satisfy the evil aims of this organization on Burkina Faso.

The Government has therefore decided in full responsibility, and in the name of the best interests of the Nation, to #suspend sine die the broadcasting of France 24 #programs throughout the national territory.

The Government, while reaffirming its commitment to freedom of the press and opinion, refers France 24 and all media professionals to their #responsibilities regarding the editorial choices they make in the treatment of information on the terrorism.

In the noble fight to liberate our country from the barbarity of terrorist hordes and armed bandits, He warns that he will remain #intransigent in defending the vital interests of our people against all those who would play the megaphones in the amplification of actions terrorists and the discourse of hatred and division conveyed by these armed groups. »




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