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Media Repression Council – View Info –

/ world today news/ The media scandal these days came with the removal of the show “Deconstruction” from the air. But it should not die out like any three-day wonder, or be superseded by another public attraction. Because today is this show, not long ago there was a proposal for incrimination (fine and prison) for jokes and insults on social networks to representatives of the authorities, what will be the turn tomorrow? Shooting the “enemies of the people”?

Let’s at least bring back the Komsomol structures, so that it is known what kind of system we live in. We have a leader to bow down to, a straight party line that everyone must necessarily follow – we have, a repressive body to slap the hands of the disobedient – it turns out – we also have. And we are still far from that system…because then there was no hunger, unemployment, misery. We were not leaders in poverty, corruption, mortality, low birth rates, abortions and suicides of children – this is now a good life, progress, growth and European development, of course. There was a middle class and the population was growing, not melting at a record pace (we’re third in the world for that now). We had production, industry, agriculture, world exports, we were among the leaders in a number of industries, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Don’t let someone who doesn’t understand accuse me of being nostalgic for “that time”, that it wouldn’t be intelligent.

I point out all this because the communism with which the Grantovites are constantly frightening and hysterically speculating, we have already passed it a long time ago – repeatedly, but only in terms of its negative sides. Pure totalitarianism. There is no need for uniforms, they are spiritual and mental, and worse – voluntary, not out of ignorance or lack of choice. Whoever expresses an opinion different from the uniform, to be deleted. Today as a social factor – tomorrow who knows – God bless. Remember history so you don’t repeat it.

What such a terrible violation of media etiquette, social rules, did the authors of “Deconstruction” do that they deserved such an unhappy fate? The accusation of a lack of pluralism of opinions against the background of mass tendency and heavy propaganda by media and grant NGOs, sounds like protesters chasing the spirit of communism, or the threat of the new ambassador of the oval office to fight Russian propaganda in our country.

First, a fact is omitted that the head of the Electronic Media Council should know from a basic literacy in the matter he controls. The show itself is not news, but commentary. That is, this is the position, the opinion of the presenter, based on the events. And in the print media there are such sections, they even have such names – “comments”. They are separate from the news, but are based on events and news of the day. And when a journalist expresses his position, he has no way to consider and the opposite looks at a point that would contradict his.

Second, not only “Deconstruction” is a commentary show. There are a number of examples with national media, specifically television, in whose shows the presenters invite on a variety of topics guests who are of the same position on a topic that otherwise has different points of view loudly commented on in the public space. But not in the TVs in question. However, this is not a lack of pluralism, because the unified position corresponds to the authoritative one, justifies it, approves and affirms it. That is, there is a lack of criticality towards management actions, regardless of whether they are correct, what kind of disapproval they enjoy among the electorate, whether they have expert opposition, etc.

These media manifestations are not categorized as lack of pluralism. Well, they haven’t started showing up with the same Kimincher haircuts yet, but they sound like they’ve been mentally cut by a cerebral hairdresser. This green one, with Benjamin Franklin on it. A guess of my jaded straight-line mind.

No matter how we look at it, this is censorship. And when it becomes official (indirect manifestations of it we have stoics), it is a signal that the freedom of speech – both of the media and of society – is in danger. In fact, one of the few good things about imitation democracy is freedom of speech. In our country, no one restricts it – simply people and media themselves do not want to use it and voluntarily give it up. But recently, the few public platforms that ask uncomfortable questions and make people think and ask themselves “why, when we have growth and progress, I live worse and worse”, are already being silenced. Meanwhile, the tendentious distortion of facts and events continues, distorting the news to the point of total misinformation, or simply put – propaganda. It has many faces, but one source – with a haunting transatlantic flavor. The grant media at the feeder of “America for Bulgaria” are of the right faith and they are allowed everything. Which is noticed by everyone else, but not by Gogo Lozanov, who is blind and incomprehensible to them. CEM – structure for people with mental disabilities.

SEM sleeps his deep mental sleep, but reacts sensitively when the transmission with the terrible name – de-construction comes on the strictly constructed propaganda machine. Nothing else wrong is happening in the media space – press, television, print, Internet, only the deconstructors of the new order are pulling out eyes, teeth and tonsils. Because SEM only sees them. Could it be because of their beauty? Okay, I’m talking nonsense, but what do you think Lozanov said as reasons for stopping the show? The last time the Council for Political Orders showed signs of existence was in the summer, when Peter Volgin again said something politically incorrect. Then the SEM summoned the head of the BNR for questioning, according to the methods of the Politburo. Volgin had reacted against hate speech. Notice – he did not manifest one, but reacted against it. Against the hate speech of “Protest Network”. It turned out that he could not freely express his personal opinion as a representative of the media, according to Maria Stoyanova. The comrade from SEM must have gone too far with Stalin and Mussolini. Let’s recall that first, anyone who disagreed with the protester’s ideas was added to a list of “enemies of the people”, in which worthy individuals were publicly reviled. Later, a group “Let’s get to know active Russophiles on Facebook” was created on the social network. Something like a “People’s Court”, where everyone who has enough brains not to suffer from prejudices and not to hate Russians will be subjected to a verbal firing squad. In short – a group for intrigue, gossip, denunciation and smearing. And in general, any public manifestation that does not harmonize with the ideas of the “Propaganda order network” is labeled “xenophobia”, “red propaganda”, “Putinist”, and a number of obscenities. Threats of court and self-destruction are the other club on duty. Straight to make a party GFSR – Citizens for fascist-Stalinist repressions. Under the hat of SEM, and everything will be in place. Because the only signals that CEM took seriously were those of the “Protest Network”. Or should the employer be one? For others, the CEM is as deaf and dysfunctional as our austere economy.

SAM is deaf and listening to the TV, literally. Back in 2013, the higher volume of the commercial had to be harmonized with the rest of the broadcasts. The reason – the thousands of letters from nervous citizens to the media regulator. Later they also reached the parliament. And as a result, changes to the Consumer Protection Act were voted. It was written into the law that from July 1, the sound of the advertisements must have the same characteristics and strength as the program in which they are included. Televisions, advertisers, communication agencies and providers of audio-visual media services have agreed to introduce a single standard for the regulation of sound in advertising. But for the second year already, this has not been done in a number of television stations. The reason – a strong advertising lobby and lack of respect for the law, precisely because of the inactive control bodies. SEM, as “we sit and blink idly”.

An uncharacteristic stirring of the impotent body for lack of control is simulated after the re-election of the irreplaceable Georgi Lozanov. Then the new old boss suggested limiting ads aimed at solving physiological and hygiene problems, such as itching in uncomfortable places, to be moved. This will avoid the negative psychological impact on the audience at a time when they traditionally eat. Yeah, but after 10pm it’s hard to find a program that doesn’t show crime movies in which dead bodies are autopsied in close-up, people are killed in spectacular ways, vampires eating human flesh and so on “life-affirming” effects on the human psyche. But because they don’t give them at mealtimes, it’s acceptable—violence and cannibalism in its purest form. SEM is silent and looks smartly from behind his bow tie. That’s OK. But when Volgin criticizes real IS thugs, it’s reprehensible.

And where is SEM, when chalgari sings vulgar simplicity, pedophilia and prostitution, and portrays it attractively? And then we wonder how to control violence in schools, and how to deal with children’s aggression and illiteracy. Where is “We sit and blink” when an ad invites youth to “Show how you’re doing”? And does anyone even know exactly what the CEM – the most contrived “control” structure – does, apart from being conveniently silent, in the face of everything an Electronic Media Council is obliged to respond to? And yes, CEM reacts to the “resistance” of the authorities and their mentors.

Well, should it then be renamed the Politburo, the Okoliisky, the SGR – Media Repression Council? Think it’s overkill? If there is no resistance today, tomorrow the sersem will close media and arrest journalists. And the public will remain sheepishly silent while the right media digs its common grave. It is not honorable colleagues to ironize the support for Volgin – “Only 100 people gathered, mainly party reactionaries”. Am I not among them that I defend him? Actually, I’m not writing this because of Volgin – I don’t care at all, with all my respect for him as a journalist and an intellect. I do it because of things more important than him, me, my colleagues. I do it because of freedom of speech, because of the things that made me a journalist, and because of which there is still objective journalism. Namely – the ability to expose irregularities, to fight for just causes, to point out the mistakes of the rulers, which should be one of the functions of the media. Not just to inform, but to be a corrective to the authorities and social infirmities. Good or bad, right or wrong, Volgin and team are entitled to their opinion and position, and the airwaves need their difference. Whether or not we agree with dozens of shows and newspaper ideas is no reason to stop and limit them. It is proper that if there will be sanctions, they should be reciprocal and the standard should be the same. It’s not. In that sense, colleagues mocking protest against censorship and mocking support for trampled freedom of speech only make me ashamed, and make it increasingly difficult to defend the honor of the profession. Honor? Excuse me!!

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