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“Media looting, here are the completely false data” – Libero Quotidiano

Vincenzo De Luca is ready to sue It is not the Arena of Massimo Giletti, even if he does not name it directly and defines it as “a television broadcast that aired last night on a national network”. Obviously this is La7, with the Campania Region announcing that it has contacted its legal department to file a complaint against what it considers a “act of media looting“. Not only that, in a press release the crisis unit accused the political talk of having told falsehoods about the Campania, to which he wanted to respond in detail.

False number of intensive care. The number of 621 beds referred to as of January 2019 relates to the number of planned beds: they were therefore places to be built and not ‘existing’ as we wanted to sell. In fact, as has been repeatedly reiterated, the number of beds in intensive care was: 335 in February 2020, 656 in November 2020 “. Then the Region also defined the false figures shown for the realization of the beds: “No reimbursement has arrived to the Region which has fully anticipated the resources since the beginning of the emergency. In fact, it should be noted that the 163 million euro, relating to the financing of the plan to upgrade the intensive and sub-intensive care beds, never reached the regional coffers. Nonetheless, the Campania Region and the health authorities have advanced with their own funds to finance the implementation of the interventions for the enhancement of beds now in a completely advanced state “.

False, for the governor De Luca, also the figures (246 million were cited) on the resources arrived in Campania: “Since the beginning of the emergency, the Region has received 131 million for the various lines of action envisaged by ddlls 14 and 18. The Region has distributed these resources to health companies, asking for specific reports. Compared to what is foreseen by the legislative decree 34/2020, the Region had 115 million for the lines of actions envisaged for territorial assistance and for incentives and other hires for hospital activity. Finally, as regards the resources provided for by the legislative decree 104/2020, to date nothing has yet been credited “.

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