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Media information Police Directorate Dresden No. 294 | 21

Author: Rocco Reichel (rr)

State Capital Dresden

Respect through consideration

 – Balance after a two-week control action
 – Almost 900 vehicles checked

After two weeks, the control action “Respect through consideration” by the Dresden Police Department came to an end on Sunday (May 16). The aim of the comprehensive controls in the urban area of ​​Dresden was to improve the safety of bicycle traffic.

During traffic controls at a total of 30 locations, almost 900 vehicles (including almost 550 bicycles) were checked.

208 cyclists were traveling against the permitted direction of travel, 137 illegally used the sidewalk. In 66 cases, cyclists were found to have violated red lights, 60 times the cycle path was not used.

Most of the violations by drivers were red light violations (111), followed by cell phone violations (95). In 71 cases the seat belt was not fastened, in 32 cases the vehicle was found to be defective.

In addition, the police only carried out speed controls at the locations specified in the citizen portal. More than 5,600 vehicles were checked. Almost 400 drove faster than allowed. The highest speed limit was measured at 33 kilometers per hour during a control on Spitzhausstrasse.

“The results show that our controls were necessary,” said the head of the traffic police inspection Gerald Baier (44). »I hope that we have been able to sensitize many drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to be considerate of other road users. Then we would have achieved the goal of the action. ”

The Dresden police focused on local and police priorities in the “Respect through Consideration” controls. At the start of the campaign on Chemnitzer Strasse, for example, the »lateral distance when overtaking cyclists« was checked. The focus control on the Marienbrücke dealt with the topic of “Right-hand drive requirement and use of cycle lanes by cyclists”. The focus on »red light violations« was checked at Albertplatz.

On the control days there were mostly 15 police officers on duty, including the officers of the bicycle group. Some of the checks were also carried out with the assistance of the riot police.

For the most part of the checkpoints implemented by “Respect through Consideration”, notices from Dresden residents have also been received in the police’s citizen portal. These were immediately taken into account in the planning. Since the start on April 19, more than 1,400 references to critical points have been given.

“We would like to thank the people of Dresden for their numerous and important information,” Gerald Baier continued. “We check these carefully and will also incorporate them into our future controls.”

The citizen portal is still active until June 12th and can be found under the following link:

In October of this year, renewed control weeks of the “Respect through Consideration” campaign are planned. (rr)

The published media information on the “Respect through Consideration” campaign is under the numbers No. 252/21, No. 265/21, No. 267/21, No. 271/21, No. 273/21, No. 277/21 and No. 279/21 to be found.

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