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Media information Police Directorate Dresden No. 072 | 21

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02/03/2021, 5:51 p.m. – First publication (current)

Police operation in Dresden-Klotzsche

Author: Marko Laske (ml)

State Capital Dresden

Police operation in Dresden-Klotzsche

Time: 03.02.2021, 5.20 pm
Location: Dresden-Klotzsche

The Dresden police carried out an operation on Alexander-Herzen-Strasse in the late afternoon. She was supported by the special task force of the State Criminal Police Office of Saxony.

The background was a threat from a 65-year-old that he had expressed to relatives. Since he was in possession of live weapons, the special forces were also deployed.

The man was overwhelmed in his apartment on Alexander-Herzen-Strasse and taken into police custody. He was under the influence of alcohol at over two per thousand. The officers secured the weapons in the apartment.

The 65-year-old German is now being investigated for disturbing the public peace by threatening criminal offenses. (ml)

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