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Media Ethics Scandal: Cantonal Parliament motion criticized Berner Zeitung and federal government

With 75 votes to 65 and 12 abstentions, the cantonal parliament on Tuesday passed a directive motion from the ranks of the EDU, SVP, FDP and Mitte. The Berner Zeitung and the federal government had to put up with harsh criticism from these factions.

The police officer at the center of the reporting had been prejudged by the media. As a result, trust in the entire media system was shaken.

The government council should clarify why the editorial team did not adjust its presentation even after the intervention of a forensic doctor. A complaint and a claim for damages and compensation also need to be examined.

During a police check in Bern in June 2021, an unruly man was led to the ground so that he could be handcuffed. Journalists from the Berner Zeitung and the Bund who happened to be present brought the case to the public.

The motioners accused the newspapers of having put the case from the outset on the same level as the killing of George Floyd by a US police officer who pressed his knee on the victim’s neck for almost ten minutes. The comparison is demonstrably misplaced. The police officer was later acquitted.

“Scandal stormed”

The journalists had sensed a scandal and created their story accordingly, said André Roggli on behalf of the center faction. It took the editorial team months to delete denigrating reader comments. The police officer was recognized in the poorly pixelated photos.

The reporting is in blatant contrast to the principles of media ethics, said Mathias Müller (SVP). The case shakes trust in the entire media system.

“Advance unnecessary”

Marianne Schild (GLP) warned against intervening in the case as a parliament. The government can support the police officer in any legal action, but no advance is required. “The independence of the media is one of our most valuable assets.”

Edith Siegenthaler (SP) pointed out that the incident had also been clarified in detail because of the media reports. Another police officer involved in the incident was actually convicted in the first instance.

The two newspapers have repeatedly rejected the allegations. In particular, it is not true that the editorial team made any claim “demonstrably contrary to their better knowledge”.

It is true that a few online comments were published in which the police action was linked to murder and manslaughter. The editor-in-chief apologizes for this. (sda/spo)

2024-03-06 02:17:34
#BundBerner #Zeitung #Harsh #criticism #Bernese #Grand #Council

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