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Media Code – You were not allowed to see this photo from the Oranjes and therefore RTL Boulevard is not allowed to go to Lech

RTL Boulevard is not welcome at the end of February the annual photo session of the royal family in Lech. The reason for this is the publication of an Instagram photo after the Christmas musical in which Princess Amalia participated, reports the television program Wednesday in the broadcast. According to the Government Information Service, that is a violation of the media code. The musical was performed last month at the Koninklijke Schouwburg in The Hague. The press was not allowed to be present, but the theater did share a snapshot of the family from the audience via Instagram. RTL Boulevard showed that photo for a short time in a broadcast and that is not allowed according to the Government Information Service. This is the photo:

“The members of the Royal Family also have the right to imagine themselves unspoiled during such private circumstances,” the RVD said in a response to the ANP. “In our opinion, showing the image is a violation of the privacy of the king and his family.”

The RVD has therefore decided not to send RTL Boulevard an invitation for the photo session. Royalty expert Marc van der Linden is stunned. “They bring it out and we show it. And then there is a sanction for the program, which for the rest has never done anything wrong. A hefty penalty, “he says. “Where does the RVD derive the right to determine for itself and not, for example, to go through the courts?”

Read also – You cannot see this video of a dancing queen Maxima from the RVD

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