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MedAT 2023: Participation Figures and Exam Content for Medical University Admissions

(Vienna/Graz/Innsbruck/Linz, July 7th, 2023) Of the original 15,400 registered, a total of 11,735 were interested in the joint MedAT admissions procedure for studying at the medical universities in Vienna, Innsbruck and Graz as well as at the medical faculty of the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

As in the previous year, the admission tests were held at several locations throughout Austria. The MedUni Vienna tests were held at the Messe Wien, in Graz the Stadthalle Graz and in Upper Austria the Messe Wels were the venues. In Innsbruck, the tests for the Medical University of Innsbruck took place in the Innsbruck Exhibition Center.

The participation figures in detail:
– A total of 5,851 people took part in the admissions test at MedUni Vienna; originally 7,537 registrations were received.
– A total of 2,334 people came to the Medical University of Innsbruck for the test on Friday. When registering online by the end of March, there were 3,200 people.
– At the Med Uni Graz, where there were originally 2,589 registrations, a total of 2,033 participants were registered this Friday.
– In Upper Austria (medical faculty of the JKU Linz) 1,517 people took part, by the end of the online registration 2,074 interested people had registered.

Contents of the admission tests MedAT-H and MedAT-Z
The entrance test for human medicine (MedAT-H) is a multi-part, written procedure and is divided into the following sections:

• Basic knowledge test for medical studies: Examination of previous school knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics.
• Text comprehension: assessment of reading skills and comprehension of texts.
• Cognitive abilities and skills: This part of the test consists of five task groups (assembling figures, number sequences, verbal fluency, memory and retention as well as recognizing implications) and assesses basic cognitive abilities and skills.
• Social-emotional skills: This part of the test consists of the task groups regulating emotions, recognizing emotions and making social decisions, which cover essential aspects of social-emotional skills.
The area of ​​social skills in the test was expanded in 2023: in coordination with the participating universities and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the number of test tasks was increased and regulating emotions was added as a further task group.

The entrance test for dentistry (MedAT-Z) is largely identical to the MedAT-H. Instead of the text comprehension test section and the task group recognizing implications, the test section manual skills uses the task groups wire bending and mirroring shapes.

A total of 1,850 study places
For the 2023/24 academic year, a total of 1,850 study places are available for human medicine and dentistry, of which 760 are at the Medical University of Vienna, 410 at the Medical University of Innsbruck, 370 at the Medical University of Graz and 310 at the Medical Faculty of the JKU Linz . At least 95 percent of the study places are reserved for EU citizens and people who are equal to them in terms of study access, and at least 75 percent of the study places are for applicants with a school-leaving certificate from Austria. However, this quota regulation only applies to the allocation of study places in human medicine.

2023-07-07 09:49:35
#Admissions #procedure #medical #studies #part #MedUni #Vienna

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