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Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: constitutional judge – and member of the anti-capitalist left

Germany Mecklenburg-West Pomerania

Constitutional judge – and member of the anti-capitalist left

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Status: 7:48 p.m. | Reading time: 4 minutes

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In an interview with WELT, Borchardt affirmed their membership In an interview with WELT, Borchardt affirmed their membership– – –

In an interview with WELT, Borchardt affirmed their membership

Source: imago / foto2press / imago stock

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Barbara Borchardt has recently become the state constitutional judge. And member of the anti-capitalist left. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution monitors this. The judge established her membership with unbroken conviction.

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EIt was only on the second attempt that Barbara Borchardt was elected by the state parliament in Schwerin as a new member of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Constitutional Court – after failing to achieve the required two-thirds majority in the first round.

The bumpy start to the new office at the end of last week was due to allegations that Borchardt was a co-founder of a group monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the anti-capitalist left (AKL). In the latest Federal Constitution Protection Report, the group organized as a federal working group within the Left Party is listed as an “extremist” observation object. The AKL demands “a fundamental change of system and the overcoming of the existing capitalist social order by a break with the capitalist property structures”, criticizes the secret service. The group, however, does not appear in the report of the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

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Above all, the AfD, which is also in conflict with the protection of the constitution, took offense in terms of personnel, but Borchardt also initially refused some CDU politicians. In an interview with WELT, Borchardt affirmed that she was a co-founder of the anti-capitalist left, but she sees no problem in her commitment: “My membership in the anti-capitalist left is not in conflict with my work as a state constitutional judge, which is why I will not give up my membership. ”

The goals of the AKL are not in contradiction to the Basic Law “There is no anchoring there that we have to be a capitalist society”, says the politician who joined the SED in 1976 and who was active for the PDS and later for the left after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The 64-year-old also explicitly supports the AKL’s goals, which are viewed as extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution: “I do not fundamentally reject a break with capitalist ownership structures”, central areas of general interest belonged to the public sector.

For Borchardt, the “observation of the AKL by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is a mistake”, whoever is debating another social order has “nothing to do with the Office for the Protection of the Constitution”. She argues: “We do not reject representative democracy, but the influence through lobbying and party donations.” The newly elected constitutional judge says: “If we refuse to lobbyists to write the law, it is anything but anti-constitutional. I have been in Brussels long enough to see who pitched their tents to participate in the regulations. ”

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The two government parties in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania do not want to comment. The national association did not respond to the WELT question on why CDU MPs voted for Borchardt as constitutional judge on Monday. WELT also asked the SPD state association, led by Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig, why a member of the anti-capitalist left was suitable as a constitutional judge from the party’s perspective in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. No answer either.

Borchardt also denied the question of whether she had to explain to the SPD and CDU politicians for her AKL engagement in the plenary and the legal committee before they agreed to be elected to the constitutional court. The colleagues knew how to estimate that only the AfD had asked critical questions, said Borchardt. It was the same two years ago, when Borchardt was already elected deputy member of the state constitutional court.

Borchardt had already caused a sensation nationwide when she and two other left-wing MPs did not get up from her chair during a minute of silence on the 50th anniversary of the building of the wall in 2011. At the time, this had caused irritation among the part of the Left Party that was open to coalitions. In the meantime, the waves in the left regional association between the more social democratic forces and the die-hard socialists around Borchardt have been smoothed out again. Her parliamentary group voted unanimously for her in the first ballot, but overall she received only 38 out of 68 votes on Wednesday, 25 MPs voted against her and five abstained. Her election had been agreed beforehand in the legal committee with the factions of the SPD and CDU. In return, the socialists had assured the support of the candidates of the government parties SPD and CDU – and complied: The SPD candidates Monika Köster-Flachsmeyer and Ulrike Lehmann-Wandschneider were elected to the top of the regional constitutional court without the need for a second ballot, as with Borchardt would have.

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