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Mechanic at Wibautstraat metro station attacked by traveler with knife

A mechanic at the Wibautstraat metro station gets the fright of his life in April. When he addresses a man that he kicks open a door, the man suddenly comes after him with a knife. In Bureau 020 the images this week.

The mechanic is at work on the morning of Friday 29 April around 10.30 am when he sees an unknown man kicking open a door next to the public transport gates. When he addresses the man, he takes his bag and takes out an object. When the suspect approaches the mechanic, he immediately sees that it is a knife.


With this, the suspect then lashes out at the head of the mechanic, who is hit by the knife on his torso. The suspect continues to threaten him with a knife. At some point, the suspect runs away. He tells the mechanic that he is lucky that he has to leave. Thanks to his thick work coat, the mechanic is not injured, but there is a considerable cut in his jacket. The suspect is estimated to be between 1 meter 75 and 1 meter 80.

“It is bizarre and especially very worrying that the mechanic was immediately attacked with a knife, simply because he addressed the suspect about his antisocial behavior,” says Marijke Stor of the Amsterdam police. “The cut in the mechanic’s jacket clearly shows that he was hit well and he is lucky that he did not sustain any physical injuries. We want to know who the man in the images is. Do you know or recognize him? then contact us.”

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