They searched for medicinal plants in Lovasberény, near Ligetköz Rita Lences is a herbal medicine specialist the participants on the last visit of this year’s Herbarium on October 27. This time, the specialist dug down to the roots for the valuable active ingredients.
– In the fall, it was time to dig for roots, so it was time to look for dandelion roots, katángkoró, and among others, black nightshade roots on this round. There are many active substances in the roots that can also have a medicinal effect, but before digging them, we always wait for the time when the plants have grown and are able to reproduce, and it is only then do we touch them. We can dig the roots of the herbs in autumn, at the end of October, when the plants are resting. However, with perennial plants, we always take care to leave a small piece of root in the ground so that it can grow again. So we don’t thin the stock – revealed Rita Lencsés, in addition: there are plants that have the important active ingredients right in their roots.
Photo: Rita Lenses
– Dandelion is one of these, whose roots also contain inulin, which has a positive effect on the pancreas, but the same active substance can be found in the roots of katángkoro. And the active ingredients in the root of the black nightshade, such as allantoin and tannins, are excellent anti-inflammatory agents when applied externally.
In addition to all this, the participants of the tour met many medicinal plants, and they were able to collect the above part as well. So, for example, the basket of the Herbarium included wild horseshoes, hen’s string, yarrow flowers and nettle. Apart from the roots, however, there is another topic that was missing from this year’s Herbarium tours, and that is the collection of berries. Rita Lencsés promises that, weather permitting, the participants will be able to go on an additional trip in November.