Machining has been a recognized craft in our country for decades and decades, thanks to which we have become famous all over the world. Our products travel to all directions of the world every day. As time goes on, each shikula has to deal with increasingly strict requirements, which mainly concern accuracy. How to deal with them?
Perfectionism is in order
It doesn’t matter if you’re running a state-of-the-art machine with the latest version of the operating system, you can never count on it running smoothly. When dealing with hundredths of a millimeter, it really only takes a little to screw up the whole job. A slight change in operating temperatures, blunting of the working tool or bad correction can do wonders.
This is precisely why you cannot do without constant measurement and testing of the individual dimensions of the workpiece. In any case, do not forget about micrometer gauge, depth gauge, cavity gauge, deflection gauge or caliper. Thanks to these aids, you can easily determine how many hundredths of a millimeter still need to be removed.
Threads and fits
A specific part of your craft is thread cutting, as well as the creation of overhang or clearance. You will find it difficult to measure the work in question with classic gauges. For that reason, high-quality calibers come on the scene. You test the inner helix with a thread gauge, while the outer helix with measuring rings.
Want to test the outside of the storage? Then you can’t do without calipers. The internal dimensions will help to identify the classic roller caliber. The correct side of these aids must fit perfectly, while the wrong side (marked in red) must not.
You might be wondering where to get all the standardized equipment so you don’t have to spend a fortune? Try the well-known e-shop under the link, where you can find calibres, gauges and tools for machining. You will definitely be pleased with the huge stock availability and unbeatable prices.