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Measures for first home mortgages extended until 2027 – Fiscal Focus

There were many who asked and above all hoped for an extension of the measures related to mortgages for their first home. Vincenzo Sanasi d’Arpe, CEO of Consap (Public Insurance Services Concessionaire), recalled a few days ago that in recent years the institution has provided guarantees on more than 530 thousand mortgages for a value of 62 billion euros.

And in the text of the Budget Bill, the “Italy Home Plan” appeared, a project which “intends to combat housing hardship, also through the valorisation of existing real estate assets and the containment of land consumption”. The objective set is to approve a national plan for public and social housing within 180 days of the date of entry into force of the budget law – therefore from June next year. “The plan represents a programmatic tool aimed at defining medium and long-term strategies for the overall reorganization of the housing system, in synergy with local authorities, in order to provide responses to the new housing needs emerging from the social context, integrate the residential and social housing, give new impetus to sector initiatives, identify innovative governance and project financing models, rationalize the use of the available housing supply”.

The package includes the extension of the measures on first home mortgages until 31 December 2027, which, pending validation after the parliamentary process, should reconfirm the benefits that allow access to mortgages with the backs covered by a state guarantee that reaches up to at 80% but goes up to 90 for some categories. The confirmation would concern only the measures linked to mortgages and what has already been eliminated previously, such as the exemption from paying the registration tax (generally 2% of the cadastral value of the property), the mortgage tax (50 euros), of the cadastral tax (50 euros), stamp duty and special cadastral taxes.

The package should also confirm the measure reserved for young people under 36 with an ISEE of less than 40 thousand euros and a property value of no more than 250 thousand euros.

The bonus for renovation interventions and the recovery of the building stock remains, as announced, at 50% for expenses incurred in 2025 on the first home, but is destined to fall to 36% for those incurred in 2026 and 2027.

The Consap guarantee can be accessed by married couples or cohabiting couples for at least two years, in which at least one of the members has not exceeded thirty-five years of age, single-parent families with minor children, in which the mortgage is requested by a single unmarried person, nor cohabiting with the other parent of any of their minor children cohabiting with them. Or even a separated, divorced or widowed person, living with at least one of their minor children, ending with the tenants of IACP-owned housing (Independent Institute for Social Housing).

The extension should also concern the strengthening of the relief for large families, net of the requirements, which ranges from 80% for families with three children under the age of 21 with ISEE up to 40 thousand euros, 85% in presence of 4 children under 21 years old and 45 thousand euros and annual Isee and finally up to 90% for families with five or more children under 21 years old and Isee up to 50 thousand euros.

The Housing Plan also includes the increase to 5,000 euros in Fringe benefits to pay the rent or mortgage reserved for those who agree to move more than km from their residence for work, a measure born from a discussion with “Confindustria” which has as its objective the relaunch of employment and territorial development, in particular in the South.

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