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«Measures extended to April 13, we cannot ease the grip. The Mes is thus inadequate »

Coronavirus, ithe premier Giuseppe Conte spoke live tonight about the extension of closure measures of the country until April 13, 2020 and has signed the Dpcm which extends the blocks until that date. “We cannot relax measures and inconveniences.” The dead are “a wound that we will never be able to heal: we are not in a position to be able to ease the restrictive measures and alleviate the inconvenience and spare you the sacrifices you are subjected to,” says the premier Giuseppe Conte in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi.

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With you: Few irresponsible people harm everyone». «There is a small minority of people who do not respect the rules: we have imposed severe sanctions and onerous measures. We cannot allow the irresponsibility of some to harm everyone. ” The premier says so Giuseppe Conte in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi.

«If the data consolidate we loosen the measures. We will arrive at phase 2 of coexistence with the virus ». «The effort we are making will allow us to evaluate a perspective. The moment the council of experts allows us, we will begin by easing the measures, “says the premier Giuseppe Conte. «I can’t tell you if it will be from April 14, I’m still not in a position to do it. By evaluating what will happen, we will begin to evaluate the prospect of a phase 2, that of coexistence with the virus, and then enter phase 3 which is that of the emergency exit with the restoration of work and social activities ».

With you: So Mes is inadequate». “The Mes as it is, it is inadequate to face this emergency ». The premier said so Giuseppe Conte at the press conference. «It is an instrument born for asymmetric shocks, we are going through an epochal tsunami. The Mes can be in perspective, if it is distorted and placed within a wide range of interventions, without preventive or subsequent conditionalities, it can be an instrument among others that will offer us the possibility of setting up a European strategy ».

“Stop training to avoid sports clubs’ claims.” In the new dpcm training sessions are also prohibited professional athletes “In order to avoid that sports clubs can demand the execution of a sports performance also in the form of a workout. Obviously athletes do not mean that they will no longer be able to train: they will not do it collectively but individually », says the premier.

With you: We did not authorize the children to go for a walk». «We have not authorized the time of the walk with the children at all. We only said that when a parent goes shopping, a child’s companion can also be allowed. But it should not be an opportunity to go for a walk and have a relaxation of the restrictive measures, “says the premier Giuseppe Conte in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi.

«Extension until May 3? Uncredited hypothesis, at this moment it is early. Our experts update data every day, until April 20 there will be processing ». The premier said so Giuseppe Conte during the recording of the Special Agreements and Disagreements broadcast tonight on the Nove.

Last updated: 21:02


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