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Measures against the coronavirus in Belgium discussed this Friday: a first change mentioned

Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès asked the social partners in the Group of 10 to get in touch with the National Crisis Center in order to refine the list of essential economic sectors for the meeting of the National Security Council on Friday, she said in plenary session of the House on Thursday.

The head of government was arrested by the head of the PTB group, Raoul Hedebouw. According to the calculations of the Communist Party, the definition of the sectors is so broad that it includes from two to three million workers and certain companies profit from it while they produce material like plastic chairs or armaments.

The rules of containment, in particular of social distance or teleworking, are the object of a greater flexibility because the companies of these sectors cannot close.

“These obligations cannot be applied linearly in all sectors, for example social distance for nursing staff. But just because these rules are not completely mandatory does not mean that they cannot be applied,” stressed. Mrs. Wilmès.

“If it is not clear enough, we will clarify on Friday,” she added.

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