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Measured with double standards – Wochenblatt

Asunción: When the orphanage in Chaco offered private loans that were not approved by the central bank, there was an outcry throughout the country. Now that it has been revealed that the city administration of Asunción has been issuing loans to its employees under the table, no one is saying anything.

Loans totaling $6.6 million were issued on a whim among city employees, without any regulatory oversight, on terms that were neither competitive nor legal.

The audit by the Audit Office uncovered a number of irregularities in the 2023 financial year at the pension institution, which is bankrupt and has problems paying out pensions.

According to the final report of the audit of the Municipal Personnel Pension Fund (CJPPM) conducted by the Office of the Audit Office of the Republic, a number of irregularities occurred in the management of the pension fund in the 2023 financial year. The audit body made a total of 31 findings.

One of the most striking points is the existence of an unrecorded loan portfolio amounting to 50,466,038,590 Guaranies, which at the current exchange rate corresponds to approximately 6.6 million US dollars.

This amount was not recorded in the Integrated Accounting System (Sico) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance at the time of the audit.

Weekly Newspaper / Última Hora

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