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measure your alcohol addiction

Even though the consumption ofalcohol has dropped dramatically over the past 80 years, figures published by Public Health France in 2019 show that people over the age of 65 consume alcohol moderately but more regularly: 26% drink daily. And it is estimated that 7% of deaths are attributable to alcohol in our country, or more than 40,000 people a year.

– Have you ever felt the need to reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages?

– Has anyone around you ever commented on your consumption?

– Have you ever had the impression that you drink too much?

– Have you ever needed alcohol in the morning to feel good?

Result: two positive responses are enough to suspect an alcohol problem. Three or four positive answers must imperatively lead you to ask for help.

We always start for friendly reasons. And, in France, where wine is a way of life, there are plenty of opportunities: aperitifs, dinners with friends, family celebrations… Glass after glass, you can find yourself addicted without even realizing it. We no longer drink for pleasure but for need! An addiction not to be taken lightly when we know that in Europe, among 14-64 year olds, one in seven deaths among men and one in thirteen among women is attributable to alcohol consumption. In order not to end up in a carafe, it is essential not to neglect certain clues.

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