Surabaya –
A spike in measles has occurred in Indonesia. Confirmed cases of measles in Indonesia for the 2022 period increased 32 times, when compared to reports of infections throughout 2021. According to the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) in 2021 there were 132 cases, while as of December 2022 there were 3,341 patients.
The Chairperson of UKK Infection and Tropical Diseases of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Dr. Anggraini Alam, SpA(K) warned the public about the transmission of the measles virus. One case can transmit the virus to 18 people.
This means that the reproduction number is relatively higher compared to COVID-19 Omicron, smallpox, and polio. Dr. Anggraini emphasized that the measles vaccination coverage needs to reach 91 to 94 percent to achieve herd immunity.
“Measles is an infection that has the potential to cause an outbreak because transmission is through the air and is highly contagious, the incidence of cases in 2022 will increase 32 times,” he said.
Symptoms of measles should not be ignored, there are three phases of infection, namely initially the prodromal stage, occurring during the initial three to five days of exposure. In this phase, high fever, conjunctivitis, and cough appear.
In the second phase, measles patients experience an eruption phase, namely a generalized rash. Starting from behind the ears, torso and upper arms, to the lower legs, generally occurs for three days.
In the final phase, all symptoms disappear, until the rash turns into hyperpigmented macules or scales.
“Measles can also trigger complications, ear infections, diarrhea, pneumonia, and even brain complications, although this is relatively rare,” continued Dr. Anggraini.
Measles vaccination coverage from 2015 to 2021 when the pandemic broke out. This reduces immunity or measles immunization in the community so that the risk of infection continues to spread.
Many people are said to have forgotten the risk of measles infection, thinking the virus has disappeared to the point where they think there is no need to vaccinate. In contrast to before when many vaccine rejections were related to halal issues.
“Then it’s true, regarding the halal vaccine at that time in 2017. Actually there was already a measles elimination program, that was also the WHO asked all 2017 eliminations in Indonesia to do Java-Bali, successful. But apparently, there were many rejections because the issue of vaccine halalness later emerged. ” he said.
“Because at this time we have not heard, everything is clear regarding the MR vaccine in Indonesia, (halal), so it is given,” he concluded.
Watch Video “bad! Cases of Measles in Indonesia Increased 32 Times“
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