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Meaning and Traditions of December 26 – Darina, David, Datso, Datcho, Joseph Name Day Celebrations

December 26 – Everyone with the name(s) Darina, David, Datso, Datcho, Joseph, Joseph celebrates this day


What does the name Darina mean?

Darina is a Slavic name that comes from the word dar, gift.

Although she does not enjoy particularly high success at school, Darina succeeds in life, and therefore she is helped by the innate charm with which she manages to charm people.

These women are smart and extremely cunning.

Darina is a stubborn woman and does what she decides without listening to the opinions of others.

David (means – beloved)

Joseph (means – gifted

On the second day of Christmas, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Congregation of the Most Holy Theotokos. “Come – the church invites us on that day – let’s sing about the Saviour’s mother, who, even after giving birth, turned out to be a Virgin again!”.

On the day after the Nativity of Christ – December 26, believers gather to pay homage to the Mother of God, who gave birth to the Savior. According to folk customs, the celebration continues – people entertain each other, set rich tables with meat dishes, fruit, wine. No one should work on this day.

December 27 – St. Stephen’s Day

On this day, everyone with the name(s) celebrates December 27 / Name day: Vencho, Ventsislav, Ventsislava, Zapryan, Stamen, Stamena, Stan, Stana, Stane, Stanimir, Stanimira, Stanislav, Stanislava, Stancho, Stefan, Stefana, Stefanka, Stefania, Stefi, Stefka, Stefko, Stefcho, Stoil, Stoila, Stoilka, Stoimen, Stoichko, Stoyu, Stoyan, Stoyana, Stoyanka, Tanya, Teki, Tenyo, Fanny, Tsako, Tsanka, Tsanko, Tsano, Tsancho, Tsoko, Tsona, Tsonko, Tsonyu, Sean, Shona

The church has designated December 27 to honor Saint Stephen – considered one of the first martyrs of the Christian faith and one of the seven disciples of Jesus Christ, chosen after his resurrection.

His life tells that, worried by the growing number of believers, the Jews slandered the saint as blaspheming God and thus condemned him. In Jehoshaphat Valley, an angry mob stoned him to death. Despite the terrible deed, shortly before giving up his soul, Saint Stephen prayed “Lord, do not impute this sin to them” – the life of the saint also tells. In the 5th century, some of his relics were discovered by a priest in a vision and placed in the Temple of Zion in Jerusalem.

It is believed that Saint’s Day is the last Christian holiday, and our ancestors believed that with this day the circle of the old year closes.
Traditionally, the young family visits the godfathers, godparents or parents, and meat dishes are eaten at the table. Traditionally, pork is prepared with sauerkraut or meat pie. From St. Stephen’s Day to St. John’s Day, the customs characteristic of the Dirty Days are observed – women should not sweep, wash their hair, do laundry, weddings, baptisms, funerals are not held.

In places in Central and Northern Bulgaria, instead of December 31, it was on Stefanovden that the custom of feasting was observed. All brides make wrists and tie a ring or other personal item to them, then melt it in a basin full of still water, which is covered with a red veil. The next day, a girl dressed as a bride takes out her wrists one by one and while the others sing incantation songs (ladanki) she foretells who will marry which boy.


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2023-12-25 16:35:21

#celebrate #day #December

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