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Meaning and definition of television, etymology of television


What is it, concept or meaning

Feminine noun It is defined as an appliance that began to be massively manufactured in the 20th century and began with black and white images, until it became more sophisticated every year and not only reached color, but also transmitted images in very high definition as today. The The apparatus works by capturing images and sounds by means of electromagnetic waves or directly by the wiring signal, converting the electrical energy into audiovisual projections.


Origin, history or training

The term is etymologically considered a cultism constituted by the Greek word ‘τηλε’, which means in Latin ‘tele’ and in Spanish ‘far’, together with the Latin particle ‘visio’, which translates ‘sight’. But the origin of the word is still being debated, since it has not been specifically found to what time or place it dates back.

For example, in an article published in 1909, by the publicist Hugo Gernsback, in the magazine ‘Modern Electronics’, entitled ‘Television and the Telephot’.

However, in the year 1907, in the magazine ‘Scientific American’, the term stands out.

And the earliest date on which there is official record, on which the word appears for the first time, was August 25, 1900, by the Russian scientist Constantino Dimitrievitch Perskyi, when he delivered it in a speech in Paris and had it annotated on a paper in French language. The complete sentence in which it appears is: “Television av moyen de I’electricite”. But already in 1899, before the end of the 19th century, the scientist had used the same expression but in Russian: “телевидение ~ televidenie”.

In 1940, the engineer Guillermo González Camarena, presented to the public the first system designed to be able to transmit television images in color.

Television became the most popular and complete mass communication medium, until the appearance of the internet, which now offers an advanced and personalized television service, according to the tastes of the viewer.

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