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Me and number one Sparta? I don’t think about it, says photographer Holec before the sharp start

He presented the Saves Help charity project in Prague and is in a hurry to at least make a trip home to Slovakia. After returning from Austria, the Letensi got a short leave, the last for a long time.

Teammate Adam Karabec says that you are the Sparta player who takes the most photos, that you send the most photos to mobile phones. Is it true, is it your hobby?

I was expecting all kinds of questions, not exactly… (laughs) It’s true that we are communicating with our club photographer. I rather enjoy it, all the guys ask for photos and post them on social networks. Kara said it more as a joke, we talked about it before. It is true that I am interested in photos.

How are you looking forward to the start of the new season?

I am very much looking forward to it, as is the whole team. We start in a few days, let it begin.

Photo: Vlastimil Vacek, Law

Sparta Prague goalkeeper Dominik Holec in action.Photo: Vlastimil Vacek, The law

A new era begins with the arrival of the Danish coach Priske. What has changed specifically for goalkeepers?

The arrival of a new coach brings a lot of changes everywhere. He instills his usual things in the team, it can also be seen in the matches we played. The team is working very well, I think they have adapted quickly to the things he demands. I believe that we will carry it over to sharp matches. As for the goalkeeper, he also wants certain things from us. However, I think it will remain in team communication. The coach’s handwriting is already visible in the preparation. The team got used to it and I think it will grow with every match.

Is training now more demanding even for goalkeepers?

I do not think. They are challenging as they should be. They adapt to the daily routine, what training will follow, so I’m talking about goalkeepers. Personally, I really enjoy training, we are also very involved in games, positional games and similar things. Not that I didn’t enjoy them before, but I feel like I enjoy them even more since the coach arrived. I’m enjoying them quite a bit so far, I believe it will continue like this in the future.

Petr Čech filmed a video at Stamford Bridge for the benefit of the Saves Help projectVideo: Saves Help

Has anything changed for goalkeepers in matches as well?

Every coach has his own requirements. There are some changes, but I don’t want to specify them. Experts will spot them. Some cannot be changed, some can.

Are you going into the season as number one Sparta?

If you think I’ll be number one, I’m happy… (smile) It’s up to the coach and the implementation team to decide who he chooses. I do not want to engage in such statements. What is important is how we will work with the goalkeepers in training and in matches. And who gets the trust, how will they repay it on the field. If I get it, I will be very happy. And then it will be up to me how long I stay in the gate. I believe that I will catch more than last season, I will do everything for that.

Photo: Vlastimil Vacek, Law

Sparta Prague’s new coach Brian Priske and goalkeepers Dominik Holec and Vojtěch Vorel during training.Photo: Vlastimil Vacek, The law

It would be both a great honor and an obligation, wouldn’t it?

Of course. Binding the moment one admits it. It’s not an easy position, but which number one in the world has it easy? It’s something you have in your head, but you have to push it out as much as possible. Focus mainly on performance so that it doesn’t tie up his hands and feet too much. One has to reckon with that in such a big club as Sparta. It would be an honor, but I don’t think about it.

The concept of number one comes from the match general. In it, the rotation of goalkeepers stopped, you caught it all. That’s probably the hint, isn’t it?

It could be, but it’s also a question for the coach… In sports, things can change from day to day. The coach can make a decision just before the match in response to the system or the opponent. The general is one thing, I believe that health and things that belong to football will also last. I would be happy, but I wouldn’t look for the final lineup in the general.

You still don’t know who will be number one?

If such conversations take place, they should remain in the cabin. It would not even be appropriate to reveal the cards in front of the next opponent. There are things that are meant to remain unanswered until the last moment.

Photo: Vlastimil Vacek, Law

Hockey goalie Šimon Hrubec (left) and soccer goalie Dominik Holec catch for a joint team thanks to the Saves Help project.Photo: Vlastimil Vacek, The law

A sharp start awaits you in the 2nd preliminary round of the Conference League, the Norwegian Viking is played.

But it can also be an advantage. We know what composition they play in, what they present themselves with. We were in full preparation and played good matches. It’s a sharp start, but what’s better for a footballer than playing such matches… We have to be as well prepared as possible, I believe in the strength of the team.

Sparta has been dreaming of the title for a long time in vain. Do you believe that you can achieve it with the new coach?

When I was here, I believed all the previous seasons. From the beginning, I believe in the strength of the team. I didn’t come up with anything else, Sparta must have the biggest ambitions. But it makes no sense to put yourself under ultimate pressure right from the start. We want to be watchable, to make the fans happy. I believe that we have enough strength to be successful and get to where Sparta belongs.

After camping in Austria, you have a short break. How will you use it?

I will go to Slovakia, I will spend time with my family and friends. I guess I’ll shut down a bit to get some mental energy for the long season ahead. I will participate in one podcast there, which I am looking forward to, otherwise relaxing with people I like. I probably won’t get home for a long time. Quick turnaround, we’ve been training since Sunday.

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