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“Me and Melania positive at Covid, we are in quarantine”




Trump: Melania and I positive at Covid, we are in quarantine

“Tonight Melania and I tested positive for the Covid 19 test”. So US President Donald Trump broke news on Twitter of the results of the swab performed after Councilor Hope Hicks tested positive for coronavirus. “We will start our quarantine and immediately the recovery process, we will overcome this together!”, Added the president. The news of Trump’s contagion comes one month before the presidential elections on November 3.

Prior to the tweet, Trump had already made it known in an interview with Fox News that Hicks was positive on the test. “I just found out,” he said, hinting that his adviser might have been infected by a soldier or a policeman. “It is very difficult when you are with the military or with the police and they want to hug you and kiss you because we are doing a really good job, then you get close and things happen,” the president said.

“I was surprised to hear about Hope, but she is a very loving person, she knows there are risks but she is young,” he said of the 32-year-old former model, former employee of the Trump Organization and press officer of her first election campaign. Appointed as head of communications for the White House, Hicks left in March 2018 only to be recalled as Trump’s adviser in February 2020, shortly after the end of the impeachment process, ahead of the start of the election campaign.

In fact, Hicks is one of the advisors who follow Trump in the rallies and for this reason in recent days she has been in close contact with him and with the first lady. According to Bloomberg, Hicks tested positive and placed in solitary confinement aboard Air Force One on the return trip from Minnesota where Trump held a rally on Wednesday evening.

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