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MDIA: Zpovykan sentoi, nestoudn Marvanov

The last thing on Czech television is somehow the Supervision Commission. She doesn’t decide on it, it’s just an advisory body to the T Council. So for the fuss? All those involved, the general director of the concept, the financially locked-up persons continue and the various policies of the horse, are struggling. Fear that they will lose their pensions, their influence, their benefits, their tools, their game. As a source of fear, Czech television could indeed be television and for all and honestly fulfill the school, as prescribed by the law. Vyven, objective, internal. The state when the loud oven is only one social group, theirs, and one single convent, suits them perfectly, because they benefit from it. Power, financial, influences.

It’s really unbelievable how to deal with nonsense and how sad to summon the characters to their support. Let’s take it easy.

The dismissal of the Supervision Commission was unfinished. This is nonsense, of course. The Czech Television Act (483/1991 Coll.) Stipulates that the supervision of the commission is an advisory body of the Council in matters of control of Czech television’s economy. and DISCLAIMED by the Board for the termination of the function of the member of the Supervisory Board salary PIMEN 6 par.

Paragraph 6 does not apply to the Supervision of the Commission, or the mandate, then only the Council T itself is appealed, and it is stated here, among other things, that it can be appealed if it has committed such an act, which questions its independence or impartiality is the first of the Council T, if the work is only supervised by the Commission of Doubt, PIMEN this provision vyut. Politicians should not interfere in this at all. And if they continue to do so, it is nothing else not allowed to change the competence of the medil council.

The Zentoykan Sentoi called for a former MP and former President of the Freedom Union Hana Marvan to help. For the co-author, he will talk about Czech television. That’s especially good. Let’s see what kind of media experts the sentoi invited.

Marvanov is the main accomplice in the catastrophic amendment to the Consular Act (301/95 Coll.). Exactly then it was the starting mechanism of the later wolves on TV Nova. With this amendment, the Council for the election saw a lot of tools on how it could enter into possible disputes between the licensed company and its service company. Konen et znme: 10 billion pounds to Ronald Lauder. Not even a mediln expert from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University Milan md Marvanova a spol. called graves esk mediln legislation.

Stblo, who is caught by Marvanov, claims that the Supervision Commission cannot be removed as a whole. There is no way to revoke the Commission’s supervision of Czech Television in any way, it only stipulates that PIMEN may have a paragraph concerning the board itself. After all, once, ten years ago, it happened.

It is magical that exactly what pulls you out, Marvanov did not mind when she co-participated in the infinite dismissal of the Radio and Television Council in 2003. including Marvanov, they did not wish at all, they did not even mind that there were no grounds for appeal, neither the individual nor the council as a whole. However, the courts subsequently swept their political arbitrariness off the table.

Do you know that this phenomenon of the bunch could have literally revealed when, recently, there was a threat that I could return to the Council for the Sun? The greatest danger to their images are the people who are familiar with the issue, and moreover they have a historical memory. Drahoe, Hilera, Smoljak, Nmcova, Kalousek, Schwarzenberg and similar things, weeping nonsense, you know whoever cares about everything, we have bread. But such must not be pipetni.

Anyone who warms the owner of an esk television must be extraordinary. They go after Lipovsk et al. It is allowed. When leftover, when signpost. And that’s how we go here.


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