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MCU Examination Minimizes the Risk of Complications After Recovering from Covid-19

KOMPAS.com – Corona virus infection not only affects the health of the lungs, but also other organs of the body. Symptoms of complications often appear even if a Covid-19 patient has tested negative.

Therefore, Covid-19 survivors are advised to medical check up (MCU) to minimize the risk of worsening the disease.

According to research submitted by a cardiologist and blood vessel expert at Mayapada Hospital Tangerang, Dr. Herenda Medishita, the corona virus can cause inflammation and inflammation of the heart and manifest itself in myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart muscle).

He continued, the risk of complications was higher so that it could lead to an acute heart attack if Covid-19 patients had heart comorbid conditions with damaged endothelium (the inner lining of blood vessels).

Covid-19 infection can also cause complications of decreased heart function and blood clotting. In fact, this risk can occur in patients who do not have a history of heart disease,” explained Dr Herenda in a press release received by Kompas.com, Friday (8/4/2022).

More vigilance needs to be increased because a number of studies show that some Covid-19 survivors still feel long covidnamely the condition of prolonging the symptoms of Covid-19 within a few weeks or months after being declared cured.

As for the symptoms long covid characterized by fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, brain fog (brain fog), and palpitations for 4-5 weeks.

Mayapada Hospital internal medicine specialist, Dr. Eric Daniel Tenda, said that certain groups of patients, such as women over 50 years and people with a high body mass index (BMI) or obesity, were at high risk of developing diabetes. long covid.

While about brain fogDr. Agus Yudawijaya, a neurologist at Mayapada Hospital, South Jakarta, explained that this symptom is characterized by a person’s inability to concentrate when doing an activity.

He added, several studies found that 1 in 3 Covid-19 survivors was diagnosed with a neurological disorder within 6 months.

Regarding the decline in lung function, a pulmonologist at Mayapada Hospital Surabaya, Dr. Irmi Syafa’ah said, this condition is something that often occurs in Covid-19 patients. Symptoms can last for a long time.

“Other complications, such as pneumonia, can also occur, and can even cause death,” continued Dr. Irmi.

Seeing the series of risks above, Covid-19 survivors need to consider doing MCU. Although it requires money and time, this method is one of the early prevention efforts against disease.

“Consultation with a specialist and conducting further examinations need to be carried out. Moreover, if the patient has risk factors, such as hypertension, heart disease, lung disease, or blood disorders,” explained Dr. (Papadi).

To note, the MCU is a thorough body examination with the aim of detecting the presence or absence of health problems. In addition, this method is also often used to plan the right regimen before the disease develops into complications.

In normal people, MCU is recommended to be done every year, even at the age of 20 years. Meanwhile, for patients with special conditions, such as taking medication, the method is carried out following the doctor’s advice.

MCU services are basically provided in almost all hospitals. One of them, Mayapada Hospital. In this health facility, the examination is carried out comprehensively, and is supported by complete equipment and multi-specialist doctors.

One of them, low dose computerized tomography (CT) scan. This method, said Dr. Irmi, is able to provide a more detailed 3-dimensional (3D) picture of the condition of the lungs with less radiation levels than x-rays. thorax conventional.

“Radiological examinations, such as low dose CT scan can be done after recovering from Covid-19, “added Dr. Irmi.

To note, Mayapada Hospital also has a Post Covid Recovery and Rehabilitation Center service which is intended for Covid-19 survivors. Especially for patients who have persistent complaints after recovering from Covid-19.

The services provided at the facility include examinations of the heart, lungs, nerves, kidneys, and other organs.

To get more information about health problems, Mayapada Hospital provides a question column that can be accessed online online on website www.mayapadahospital.com/askdoctor.

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