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McDonald’s increased the prices customers furious –

McDonald’s increased the prices customers furious: “boundless insolence”

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on 13.06.2020 at 15:48-

Photo: imago images

McDonalds really did it. The fast-food giant has increased its prices. And the customer is not good at all. Some of the pegs out of.

Hamburger for one Euro? Or would you prefer a Sprite or a French fry? With this offer, lured McDonalds for over ten years, its customers. But that is now history. The fast-food chain is now demanding more for their products.

McDonald’s: fast food chain raises the prices

Since 2005, it gave the Burger giant of multiple products for one Euro, including Cheeseburger, chicken Burger or Hamburger. Also a little soft drinks or fries, it was long for a Euro. But 15 years later, in the case of falls McDonalds the last One-Euro-Burger Bastion.

McDonald’s: Now this Burger will be more expensive

For some time, the customers need to McDonalds for example, for the Cheese or chicken Burger $ 1.29 lie down, so 29 cents more than at the beginning of the action. Now is the Hamburger for one Euro in the case of McDonald’s history.

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McDonald’s: Price Increase! Hamburger now costs 1.29 euros instead of 1 Euro

Nationwide, McDonald’s is raising prices for some products, to 29 cents. The Hamburger is now $ 1.29 and the McSundae sundae and the McCafé Small is soon to befall the same fate.

Although it’s only 29 cents, but at such a low price that means a price increase of almost a third. The customers are not tastes at all. On Facebook and Twitter for the Burger Fans make their Anger:

The Burger-lovers are angry on Twitter:

  • People, it happened. The Hamburger at McDonald’s costs $ 1.29. Everything hurts.
  • To be honest, I think that’s pretty sh****, because you could always catch up quickly with the last Euro in the pocket of a Burger! Why?
  • The main thing is that Hamburger, it is no more for 1 Euro! Then your S*** eat alone!
  • Don’t go to you. Hamburger $ 1.29….What a bottomless impudence. To make the Cheeseburger is already so expensive was boundless, outrageous. The slice of cheese doesn’t cost more than a penny. But now the Hamburger? I thought everything will be cheaper. The main thing is that you don’t get the neck fully. The Hamburger food many children – you can rip off Yes!
  • This is a joke! The hamburgers 29 cents has been increased! Because of the Hamburger is no longer be more expensive. The have said it at McDonalds.

McDonald’s wants to offer “consistently high quality”

On request of our editorial staff has commented to increases in the McDonalds the price. Of pages, the Fast-Food giant says that, although prices may vary at McDonald’s in Germany in the individual branches. However, the company confirmed that the Headquarters for the Hamburg has issued a suggested retail price of $ 1.29.

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As the reason for the increase in the price of the McDonald’s called the “quality of raw materials, availability, required quantities and other expenses linked to the appropriate product.” In this way, you make sure, “that we can offer our products with a consistently high quality.”


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“We understand that our Hamburger for 1 Euro was very popular with our guests and we have not changed, these non-binding price recommendation for over 15 years,” said McDonald’s in the face of this editorial. “But we hope that the understanding of the guests that we, too, need to respond to higher purchase costs over time.”

The Burger giant has also been of the corona crisis hit. What are the measures to be taken by McDonald’s so you can read it HERE. (at)

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1 thought on “McDonald’s increased the prices customers furious –”

  1. LOL Now we can pay more for the poor customer service, consistently poor attitudes, Iffy tasting food, and long term health effects. It’s a dirty trick raising the cost of Mc-Nuggets… knowing that the kids are addicted to them. This is the downside of dramatically increasing minimum wage. I will eat at home thank you.


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