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MC retains its vote in the Permanent Commission after the departure of Enríquez Herrera

The coordinator of Citizen movement (MC) in the Senate, Dante Delgado Rannauroinvoked an agreement from the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo), through which he claimed his seat on the Permanent Commission for his bench, after his former partner José Ramón Enríquez Herrera notified your decision to go to Brunette, starting this Wednesday, June 10.

Dante Delgado communicated to the President of the Senate, Mónica Fernández Balboa, that Senator Verónica Delgadillo García, who was elected to take the substitute place, rises to be the holder, with which MC retains her vote in the Permanent Commission.

The communication in which Enríquez Herrera reported his decision to leave the MC to enter Morena was reported to the plenary of the Permanent Commission in the fourth remote session held in the current recess.

Before, on the roll call of the 19 deputies and 18 senators, it was reported that instead of José Ramón Enriquez, at that time formally considered MC, he would be replaced by Delgadillo García.

For his part, the coordinator of the MC, Dante Delgado Rannauro, published on his social network that the representative in the Permanent Commission, “an organ integrated under the criteria of plurality and proportionality,” is Senator Verónica Delgadillo.

Dante Delgado wrote to Senator Mónica Fernández Fuentes, in which “I inform you that Senator Verónica Delgadillo García will remain as a full member of the Permanent Commission by the parliamentary group of Movimiento Ciudadano.”

The Veracruz senator relied on a resolution point of the Jucopo that was approved by the plenary on March 24, through which the corresponding parliamentary coordinator “may propose substitutions to ensure compliance with the functions of the Permanent Commission.”

He referred to the paragraph in which it is indicated that “in the event that extraordinary and unforeseeable conditions occur that could affect the participation of the senators elected to form the Permanent Commission (…), the replacement of the case will be proposed to ensure the fulfillment of the functions of the Permanent Commission. “

Delgado Rannauro sent a copy of this resolution to the president of Jucopo, Ricardo Monreal Ávila; Senator Verónica Delgadillo García and the Secretary General of Parliamentary Services, Arturo Garita Alonso.

As soon as the plenary of the Permanent Commission was notified of the departure of Senator Enríquez Herrera from MC and his incorporation into Morena, Deputy Dolores Padierna Luna affirmed that he “welcomed the fourth transformation.”

He stressed that “José Ramón Enríquez has always supported the cause for the democratization of our country; he is a political leader, an outstanding doctor, who for many years has been underpinning this democratic process and we are pleased to meet again now in the fourth transformation. “

rmlgv / nv

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