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Mazepa, after leaving the pre-trial detention center, thanked Zelensky and the judges

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January 24 12:49 0

Photo: facebook.com/Ig.Mazepa

The founder and CEO of the investment company Concorde Capital Igor Mazepa published the first message in Facebook after leaving the pre-trial detention center on bail of 21 million UAH. He said that friends and partners helped raise the money.

– I am endlessly grateful to my friends, partners and the entire business community for their comprehensive support in such a difficult time, in particular, for their unprecedented generosity and efficiency in raising funds for the pledge. I hope that I will soon be able to meet most of you and thank you personally,” the businessman wrote.

Mazepa also thanked the judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal, who reduced the bail from UAH 349 million, and the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky “for the prompt response to the business request and the decision made at the National Security and Defense Council regarding economic security and economic stability.”

The CEO of Concorde Capital noted that he “spent four days in difficult conditions,” but does not regret it for a second. Igor Mazepa emphasized that he rejects all accusations from law enforcement agencies and continues to accuse them of unjustified pressure on Ukrainian entrepreneurs.

  • On January 23, the Kyiv Court of Appeal left Igor Mazepa in custody, but reduced the bail to UAH 21 million. On the same day, the founder of Concorde Capital was released from jail.
  • On January 19, the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv chose a preventive measure in the form of detention for the founder of the investment company, Igor Mazepa, with an alternative bail of UAH 349 million. The prosecution asked to increase the bail amount to UAH 700 million.
  • Mazepa was detained on January 18 while crossing the Ukrainian-Polish border. According to investigators, the founder Concorde Capital is the organizer of a scheme for the illegal acquisition of lands on which hydraulic structures of critical infrastructure are located – the Kyiv Hydroelectric Power Station.

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