Since before 07:00, in the vicinity of the building of the National Court of Justice -north of Quito- a strong security device was deployed. In this place they will give their advance testimony Mayra Salazar and three more people, in the Metastasis case.
The security device includes fences on the outer perimeter, police and military presence, and road closures.
The following are expected to give their early testimony:
- Mayra Salazarformer communicator of the Guayas Court and apparent drug trafficker operator Leandro Norero.
- Helive Anglealias ‘Dear’, alleged administrator of the assets of Norero.
- Marcelo Lassocellmate and friend of Norero in the Cotopaxi Prison.
- Lidia Sarabiaprosecutor of Guayas, who investigated money laundering against Norero and his family.
According to the Prosecutor’s Office, Norero He commanded a criminal structure that operated from the Latacunga prison, while he was locked up – between May and October 2022 – to seek impunity for himself and his family.
First fruits informs that the Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code (COIP) establishes advance testimony as a resource to safeguard information before the installation of an eventual trial.
That is, unlike the free and voluntary versions, these testimonies will be given under oath and all the formalities of a trial.
Prosecutor and judge prepare for the hearing
The fiscal Diana Salazar and the judge of the case Felipe Cordova They are already in the audience room, on the eighth floor of the National Court of Justice.
Mayra Salazar is already in the National Court of Justice
In the middle of a great shelter, Mayra Salazar reached the National Court of Justice, from the Chillogallo Confidence House.
She is now in the protection system of the Prosecutor’s Office.
The defendants begin to arrive
Arrives to the National Court of Justice Helive Angle, alias ‘Dear’from the Jail 4 to give his advance testimony. According to the Prosecutor’s thesis, he would have been the administrator of the assets of Norero.
Road closures
Due to the diligence, there are road closures on Amazonas Avenue and the National Union of Journalists, at the entrance to the National Court of Justice. Also in the surrounding intersections, such as Jorge Drom and Unión de Periodistas.
News in development…
#Mayra #Salazar #Court #Justice