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Mayra Couto on Twitter: How much have you raised after launching a challenge to cut your hair?

Tired of the constant ridicule she suffers on social networks, Mayra Couto decided to launch a challenge for all her detractors. Conscious that everything she says becomes a trend, the actress made a singular request to users of the networks that aims to help a person suffering from cancer.

Therefore, the popular ‘Grace’ of In the background there is room, through Twitter, shared the thread of a user, which details the difficult situation facing the woman named Deysi who suffers from the deadly disease.

READ MORE: Aldolfo Bolívar criticizes Mayra Couto: “If I am not helping, I better close my mouth”

“Since EVERYTHING I am saying is news: send me photos of your deposits to Deysi and if we reach 100 thousand soles, I shave all my hair like Britney. “Ay Mayra is crazy blablabla” If you are my hater this is your chance! “He wrote.

After making this publication, her detractors immediately began to attack her, although there were some who did dare to make a donation with the intention of reaching that figure to have their hair cut.

Now, Mayra Couto He disclosed the amount of money that has been raised to date to know if he was close or far from meeting the challenge he made to all his ‘haters’. “Good morning, 3100 soles go,” he wrote in his account Twitter.

SEE ALSO: Karina Calmet on her support for Mayra Couto: “It was my feeling” [FOTO]

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DirecTV Sports journalist criticizes Mayra Couto for mocking Pope Francis

Mayra Couto does not leave the list of trends thanks to his sarcastic comment about the donation of the Pope Francisco To combat the coronavirus, for that reason a journalist from DirecTV Sports Peru criticized the actress.

“Ridiculous… making fun of a donation. Very low, very low, ”wrote Rodrigo Morales on his Twitter account. Immediately, several users reacted in favor and others against.

Aldolfo Bolívar criticizes Mayra Couto for making fun of donations from the Vatican

Speaking of the comments of Mayra Couto about the topic, Adolfo Bolívar He was surprised to ask her to “shut up” because she is not providing any solution, only criticism that would generate more problems according to him.

“Referring only to ‘hahaha’, this is not the time because if I am not helping, I better close my mouth. If you are not part of the solution, do not be part of the problem ”, he recommended to the artist.

“For family members, for people desperately waiting for a respirator, an aid, a fan to be able to save themselves from death, that ‘hahaha’ … I understand their ‘could be more’ for the money, but everything has a moment and everything takes place. It is like a joke at a wake, it is not, “he concluded.

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