Belgin Kadish (left) wanted to save his son Serkan from the punishment – it would have badly affected his service in RU-Sungurlare
Serkan Kadish, son of the mayor of the Sungurlar village, Manolich Belgin Kadish, was caught in a large branch, learned.
Serkan and his cousin were caught with a boat and nets illegally fishing from the Kamchia River. The conscientious officers of the IARA confiscated the poaching equipment and drew up a report on the two men.
As soon as the mayor of Manolich Belgin Kadish found out, he immediately took the case into his own hands, revealed our reader, who is well acquainted with the case. Belgin sought out the inspectors from the fishing agency and tried to bribe them. With an unconventional bribe – he brought as a generous gift the fattest lamb he had on his farm.
The civil servants remained amazed by the actions of the village mayor, who forcefully explained to them that a big mistake had been made, which would hinder his son greatly. After all, he was a police inspector in the local RUP, and involvement in such a case would at least bring him disciplinary proceedings, and possibly dismissal.
However, IARA was uncompromising, refused to accept the lamb and cancel the act. will follow the development of this incident. Stay tuned for details.
2023-06-10 20:48:45
#son #mayor #village #Manolich #caught #poaching #father #bribe #IARA…with #lamb