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Mayors of New York and Miami want salaries in Bitcoin

Democrat Eric Adams, elected this week as New York City’s new mayor, plans to receive his first three salaries in office in the form of Bitcoin. He announced this via Twitter – and responded to a tweet from his recently re-elected Republican colleague Francis Suarez from Miami. When asked by a Twitter user when the first politician had his salary paid out in Bitcoin, Suarez said: “I’ll take my next paycheck one hundred percent in Bitcoin. Problem solved.”

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Behind the playful competition is the effort to give your own community the image of the cryptocurrency capital of the USA. “We always think big in New York,” said Adams. The city will be the future center of the crypto sector and other fast growing and innovative industries. In an interview with the financial news agency Bloomberg, Adams said that he wanted to “compete on friendly terms” with Miami and that they wanted to examine where there could be barriers to the growth of crypto companies in the community.

So far, Miami is likely to be one step ahead. Thanks to crypto-friendly politics, large industry conferences such as the most recent Bitcoin 2021 take place here, and numerous relevant start-ups have also settled here. A Miami coin has been available since June, with part of the reward for new blocks also going to the city purse. The city is also reportedly working on paying municipal workers salaries in Bitcoin if they so choose, as well as enabling citizens to use the cryptocurrency to pay their taxes.

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Mayor Suarez is also trying to attract Bitcoin miners outside of the city and to lure them with electricity from nuclear power. Since China declared mining undesirable, there has been a real prospecting boom in the USA – the country is now a world leader in hashrate. Here, too, several US states are competing for the settlement of miners. As reported by CNBC, the states of New York, Kentucky, Georgia and Texas have the edge. According to the report, a law for a three-year mining moratorium that was planned months ago in New York has been passed.


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