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Mayors face the challenge of reopening schools

While confinement, with its economic and social consequences, has already occupied them a lot in recent weeks, the end of compulsory home support Now promise them very short nights. Like the prefects, the mayors are on the front line of deconfinement. A poisoned gift for many of them. “The time left to organize everything is short. But working in an emergency is never good “, Note Nicolas Floch, head of Saint-Pol-de-Léon (6,600 inhabitants) in Finistère.

It’s obviously reopening schools within a dozen days which concerns these elected officials. How best to welcome children? Do lunches in class offer all health guarantees? What level of disinfection should be planned for the premises? Doctor by profession, Nicolas Floch would have preferred a comeback in September, the time to put everything in place. But I understand that parents have to start working again…

“We will follow the instructions, listen to the parents”

Mayor of Domfront in the Orne (3,500 inhabitants), Bernard Soul is also aware of the importance of the task to be carried out. But he remains a philosopher. We will have to live with the virus, we have to accept it. “This former nurse does trust in collective intelligence for the best reopening of schools. We’ll follow directions, listen to parents. With common sense.

AT The rock on yon (55,000 inhabitants), the prospect of this reopening of schools does not worry the Vendéen Luc Bouard. This is not the right term. “But like the Finistérien Nicolas Floch, the mayor would preferred a return to school in September. What worries me is the lack of human resources to guarantee the fifteen pupils per class and the cleaning of the premises. It is possible to do your best, provided you have sufficient staff.

Additional legal protection for mayors

This central positioning of local elected representatives at the heart of deconfinement necessarily increases their responsibilities in the event of possible problems in schools, in particular. They therefore need additional legal protection. To this end, the centrist senator Hervé Maurey has just tabled a bill so that the responsibility of a local elected representative, called upon to implement a decision of the State, cannot be hired if it does not have the appropriate means ”.

The text was placed on the agenda of Senate May 27, 2020. But Hervé Maurey should already be able to talk about it next week during the review of the government’s plan to deconfinement in the upper house. L he mayors are anxious about the reopening of schools. We must help them ”,insists the senator from Eure.

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